Leaked footage shows British pilot in conversation with an extraterrestrial being

Sir Peter Horsley was by far one of the greatest American heroes to have ever lived. He was known as the best pilots of all time and he even served as the active deputy commander-in-chief of the RAF attack Command from the UK for the longest of time before retiring in 1954.

Video of an alien conversation with a British pilot has been leaked (VIDEO)

As he was so popular for his achievements in life it became blatantly clear how when he stated he was releasing his own autobiography it was going to be amazing regardless of what was going to be written in it.

Video of an alien conversation with a British pilot has been leaked (VIDEO)

But regardless, people still didn’t expect it, as what he had written in there shocked everyone that’s ever read it in the first place.

He wrote about his experiences with UFOs and aliens alike, even going as far as explaining his conversation with a strange being known as Lord Janus.

Video of an alien conversation with a British pilot has been leaked (VIDEO)

The book titled “Sounds from Another Room” had a lot of entries in it that all deserve their own article per se, but today we will be focusing on the incredible discussion that he had with none other than Lord Janus himself.

Video of an alien conversation with a British pilot has been leaked (VIDEO)

The chapter is rather brief, but it speaks of how he waited for Mrs. Markham when all of a sudden, he spotted a random stranger staring at him from the corner of the room.

He referred to himself as “Lord Janus” and the two instantly started speaking. They spoke about aliens, UFOs, and everything in between.

Video of an alien conversation with a British pilot has been leaked (VIDEO)

Sir Peter stated that he’d love to meet an alien someday to which Lord Janus replied that he should keep his eyes on the Duke of Edinburgh.

Before he mysteriously left off, Lord Janus told Peter of the upcoming “Dark Age” that our civilization will undergo soon enough. He stated that when we will stop evolving, we will end up destroying one another for the sake of reaching technological superiority.



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