Deformed Dog Celebrates First Birthday in the Compassionate Arms of His Rescuer and Adoptive Veterinarian

Rambo was first discovered by a member of Every Life Matters Animal Rescue clinging to life. He had been badly bitten all over, likely used as bait in dog fighting and then dumped and left to ∂ιє.

Deformed Dog Celebrates First Birthday in the Loving Arms of His Rescuer and Adoptive Veterinarian.n - LifeAnimal

They rushed him to the emergency vets where it was touch and go for a time. He is now in the care of Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency (CARE) and after a month and a half of tender loving care, Rambo is beginning to love his life.

Deformed Dog Celebrates First Birthday in the Loving Arms of His Rescuer and Adoptive Veterinarian.n - LifeAnimal

Doctors tried to save his back limbs, but because of the extent of the infection and injuries they had to amputate both his back paws.

Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency
Since he arrived at CARE, he’s been getting plenty of TLC.

Deformed Dog Celebrates First Birthday in the Loving Arms of His Rescuer and Adoptive Veterinarian.n - LifeAnimal

Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency
He’s also received an outpouring of support from dog lovers around the globe.

Deformed Dog Celebrates First Birthday in the Loving Arms of His Rescuer and Adoptive Veterinarian.n - LifeAnimal

Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency
A froggy is in the running to be his new favorite.

Deformed Dog Celebrates First Birthday in the Loving Arms of His Rescuer and Adoptive Veterinarian.n - LifeAnimal

Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency (CARE)
Although he’s lost his back feet, the vets are optimistic Rambo will be able to bear weight on his stubs with some more skin graft surgeries.

“Since he bears such good weight without implants or prosthesis we have switched back to the goal of getting pad tissue to the bottom so he has a good surface to walk on,” CARE wrote on Facebook.

Deformed Dog Celebrates First Birthday in the Loving Arms of His Rescuer and Adoptive Veterinarian.n - LifeAnimal

Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency (CARE)
In the meantime Rambo has gotten a wheelchair to get around with and is picking up how to use it quite quickly.

In his down-time he loves giving kisses.

And he now has a foster family to look after him.

“It reportedly went really well,” CARE wrote in a Facebook update. “He got to spend lots of time snuggling with other dogs.”

Deformed Dog Celebrates First Birthday in the Loving Arms of His Rescuer and Adoptive Veterinarian.n - LifeAnimal

Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency (CARE)
Rambo’s future is looking incredibly bright compared to the hell he’s been through.

Deformed Dog Celebrates First Birthday in the Loving Arms of His Rescuer and Adoptive Veterinarian.n - LifeAnimal

Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency (CARE)
Rambo’s story is getting a lot of press, something that his rescuers say helps him and other dogs like him. “Rambo might need an agent soon!! Glad that the ‘golden lining’ to all of this is that he can bring awareness to the on-going dog fighting that occurs on our own back yards. If Rambo helps to save just one dog from such abuse then it is a job well done!!”

Rambo found a wonderful forever home a few months after his rescue and is loving life with his caring parents and doggie siblings. He also still regularly visits with his rescuers at CARE. Recently, he shared a special pupcake with them for his birthday!

Deformed Dog Celebrates First Birthday in the Loving Arms of His Rescuer and Adoptive Veterinarian.n - LifeAnimal

CARE wrote, “Rambo and his Momma paid us a visit today! We shared some birthday cake (canine and human) and gave all the kisses, hugs, and belly scratches we could! He was every bit the sweet, happy, and loving boy he was when he went home to his furever family. We are also happy to report that he has maintained his healthy appetite and at one point grabbed his entire cake right off the plate! We cannot thank Rambo’s Mom enough for the visit, but also for giving him such a loving, and attentive home. We love you, Rambo!”

We’re so happy to see that Rambo has made a full recovery and has a family he loves and who love him. Share Rambo’s story with your friends.

Deformed Dog Celebrates First Birthday in the Loving Arms of His Rescuer and Adoptive Veterinarian.n - LifeAnimal

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