Meet Rookie, an adorable little pup residing on a picturesque farm in South Korea with his loving family. Though his mother passed away shortly after his birth, Rookie was never short of affection thanks to his unique upbringing – with the help of a cow as his guardian! From day one, he stuck by her side and she dutifully raised him like one of her own. However, their bond was soon to be tested as the family faced financial hardships and had to make the tough decision to sell the cow. It was a heartbreaking separation for Rookie and his family, but they’ll always cherish the memories of their unlikely friendship.
The emotional outburst of Rookie when the cow was separated from him highlights the fact that animals possess emotions and feelings just like humans. They too need affection and care to thrive.
With a sense of desperation, he watched her depart, feeling completely powerless to prevent it.
Rookie’s family was deeply disturbed by the situation, as they were concerned for his well-being and wanted him to feel better soon. Unfortunately, his suffering persisted and he was even unable to eat due to the severity of his condition.
Rookie demonstrated his cunning nature when he found his adoptive mother’s house by following her scent. Despite facing financial troubles, his parents were determined to do everything possible to reunite with their beloved pup and make him happy again. They were surprised at the level of affection Rookie had developed for their cow.