Celebrities Go Wild: Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, and Victoria Beckham Turn Up for Messi’s Inter Miami Premiere

At Lionel Messi’s eagerly awaited Major League Soccer debut, Victoria Beckham and Kim Kardashian were the first famous people to be spotted.

Lionel Messi's debut at Inter Miami draws a star-studded crowd including Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, and Victoria Beckham

In Friday night’s match between Inter Miami and Cruz Azul in Fort Lauderdale, the Argentine will start from the bench.

Even so, it’s common knowledge that he will enter the game from the bench late in the second half.

Kardashian and her son, Saint, photographed with Victoria and David Beckham. In an interview with Apple TV prior to the game, Kardashian claimed that her son was the reason she went.

Lionel Messi's debut at Inter Miami draws a star-studded crowd including Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, and Victoria BeckhamLionel Messi's debut at Inter Miami draws a star-studded crowd including Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, and Victoria BeckhamLionel Messi's debut at Inter Miami draws a star-studded crowd including Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, and Victoria Beckham

We attend many exhibition games all summer long, she remarked. I spent maybe five or six years playing soccer. I was a center-forward and a goalie, and I wasn’t bad, you know!

I’m delighted that my son enjoys it and that we can attend because I enjoyed it. I get so delighted simply seeing them be excited.

“I’m glad to be here with Victoria, David, and everyone,” said the speaker. The game is going to be so much fun.

When asked if Saint had a favorite player, Kardashian responded that it was the No. 10 of Inter Miami and that he was “so excited.”

Lionel Messi's debut at Inter Miami draws a star-studded crowd including Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, and Victoria Beckham

LeBron James, a legendary NBA player, was also seen inside DRV PNK Stadium wearing a bucket hat and a white fitted shirt.

Before the playing of the anthem, he got to embrace Messi. Bronny James, the eldest son of James and a basketball recruit to USC, was accompanying his renowned father.

Lionel Messi's debut at Inter Miami draws a star-studded crowd including Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, and Victoria Beckham

In the moments before kickoff, James also posed for a picture with David Beckham that Victoria took.

In recent weeks, Kardashian has been sighted at Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium as the Gunners pursued the 2022–23 Premier League championship and hanging out with Manchester City sensation Erling Haaland.

Serena Williams, a tennis star and a longtime favorite of Floridians, attended the match against the Mexican club alongside other famous people.

Lionel Messi's debut at Inter Miami draws a star-studded crowd including Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, and Victoria BeckhamLionel Messi's debut at Inter Miami draws a star-studded crowd including Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, and Victoria BeckhamLionel Messi's debut at Inter Miami draws a star-studded crowd including Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, and Victoria Beckham

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