When Fashion Icons Collide: Cristiano Ronaldo’s Girlfriend Wears Kim Kardashian’s Brand

Georgina Rodriguez, who is dating Cristiano Ronaldo, wore a dress by Kim Kardashian to a dinner the two of them had at Motao Vilamoura.

Teo In a stunning fashion choice, Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez, dons a dress from Kim Kardashian's brand for a captivating dinner, capturing attention and setting style trends. !g - LifeAnimal

That was right before the Portuguese joined Al-Nassr’s training camp in Portugal. PR expert Flavia Moreira shared a message on social media as the pair went out for dinner. She wrote (via Selfie Portugal): “Thanks for coming by, friend! Cristiano & Gio.”

Teo In a stunning fashion choice, Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez, dons a dress from Kim Kardashian's brand for a captivating dinner, capturing attention and setting style trends. !g - LifeAnimal

Cristiano Ronaldo, on the other hand, was seen at the event wearing a black dress and a pair of white pants.

Teo In a stunning fashion choice, Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez, dons a dress from Kim Kardashian's brand for a captivating dinner, capturing attention and setting style trends. !g - LifeAnimal

Rodriguez and the company both shared photos of the ad on their social media accounts. The ad campaign’s creative head, Paul Marciano, said (via Mundo Deportivo):

“We wanted to show a day in the life of Georgina, taking a peek behind the curtain to see how this famous person lives.” Rodriguez, on the other hand, said after being in GUESS:

Teo In a stunning fashion choice, Cristiano Ronaldo's girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez, dons a dress from Kim Kardashian's brand for a captivating dinner, capturing attention and setting style trends. !g - LifeAnimal

“It’s a real honor that GUESS and Marciano asked me to work on this new ad. I like the name and what it stands for. I love wearing the designs because they make me feel strong and seductive at the same time. They have a strong female personality and an ageless quality.” Marciano continued talking about the effort by saying:

“We’re happy to have Georgina as part of our new campaign with GUESS and Marciano. Georgina is a woman who is strong, sure of herself, and driven.”This campaign and location show not only her natural beauty but also her sensuality, energy, and inner strength. They are a great match for the brand’s vision and style.” The campaign was held at the luxurious Santa Mauro Hotel in Madrid, which has a long history. Rodriguez often works with other leisure and clothing brands as well as GUESS.

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