Excavating a 2,000-Year-Old Tomb: Overwhelmed by the Finding of a Ton-Weight Golden Lion

The Xinjiang Southern Railway plays an important role in the transportation system in China’s Xinjiang region. It starts from Turfan, pᴀssing through Yuergou, Korla (Kurla) and Kashgar.

It is worth mentioning that, 45 years ago, when railway workers built Yuergou station, they discovered a series of ancient tombs of different sizes. Among these tombs, there is a more special one. It contained countless golden national treasures, including a golden lion weighing up to 1 ton, which shocked the whole country and even the world.

Unearthing an Ancient Tomb 2,000 Years Ago: Overwhelmed by the Discovery of a Ton-Weight Golden Lion
During the construction of the railway station in Yuergou, Xinjiang, archaeologists made a priceless discovery.

Priceless treasures in the “Golden Tomb”

Unearthing an Ancient Tomb 2,000 Years Ago: Overwhelmed by the Discovery of a Ton-Weight Golden Lion

Specifically, in 1976, during the construction of Yuergou station, railway workers dug many ancient tombs. In the first phase, they excavated a total of more than 20 large and small tombs, including many bronze and pottery items, but none of them had significant archaeological value.

The Xinjiang Insтιтute of Cultural and Archaeological Relics said that these ancient tombs belong to the period from the Spring and Autumn Warring States to the Qin and Han dynasties, the owners of the tombs are all ethnic minorities. item.

In the following period, ancient tombs were excavated in the area more and more, amounting to more than 80 tombs. In particular, among these is an extremely large mausoleum, and the amount of gold and silver and treasures found in this tomb is also countless, which can be said to be unprecedented. And this mausoleum is therefore called the “Golden Tomb”.

Unearthing an Ancient Tomb 2,000 Years Ago: Overwhelmed by the Discovery of a Ton-Weight Golden Lion
Gold treasures were discovered in the tomb.

The “Golden Tomb” has a depth of 7.1 meters, a length of about 6.56 meters, and a width of 4.22 meters. This is a vertical mausoleum, clad in cobblestone, with a rough and simple shape, reflecting the ancient nomadic way of life. There are 8 gold talismans engraved with tiger images, 4 golden tiger belts, a lion talisman and more than 200 other gold ornaments such as gold beads and gold flowers discovered in the mausoleum.

Unearthing an Ancient Tomb 2,000 Years Ago: Overwhelmed by the Discovery of a Ton-Weight Golden Lion
A lot of gold in this ancient tomb more than 2,000 years old.

Unearthing an Ancient Tomb 2,000 Years Ago: Overwhelmed by the Discovery of a Ton-Weight Golden Lion
There are also gold particles.

The most startling is the gold lion card weighing 1 ton, carved lifelike.

Unearthing an Ancient Tomb 2,000 Years Ago: Overwhelmed by the Discovery of a Ton-Weight Golden Lion
Exquisite gold plates were found in the tomb.

Unearthing an Ancient Tomb 2,000 Years Ago: Overwhelmed by the Discovery of a Ton-Weight Golden Lion
surprised archaeologists.

In addition, archaeologists also discovered a unique lacquer ‘treasure’ in the ancient tomb, which is a very important discovery because it helps to put an end to the controversy over whether China is capable of making lacquer wares. perfect in the Warring States period, Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty or not.

Unfortunately, the results of the excavation of the “Golden Tomb” have not been made public for various special reasons. However, this makes the public more curious and interested in it.

The mystery of the beauty of the owner of the ancient tomb

The mᴀssive amount of treasures in the “Golden Tomb” makes archaeologists and the public curious about who its owner is and what special background he has.

Unearthing an Ancient Tomb 2,000 Years Ago: Overwhelmed by the Discovery of a Ton-Weight Golden Lion
So far, the idenтιтy of the owner of the gold-filled tomb remains a mystery.

According to the research results of archaeologists, the owner of the tomb may have lived 2,135 years ago, was a female – a beauty who was only about 30 years old when she died.

In particular, there is a hole drilled in the skull of the owner of the tomb. According to archaeologists, this may have been the cause of her death.

A nomadic people in ancient North Asia once used the technique of drilling holes in the skull to cure headaches. Drilling holes in the skull is said to reduce intracranial pressure to make the headache sufferer more comfortable, but this technique is very difficult, just a little carelessness will cause the patient to die.

Archaeologists speculate that the owners of the ancient tombs may have been the Cheshi or Huns, who are indigenous peoples with a long history in Turpan, with a special preference for hunting dogs, worshiping gold and fond of hunting. gold collection.

However, the materials and patterns in the tomb are also compatible with the Xiongnu nobles, who lived in the area in the later period and also liked gold.

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