Ronaldinho’s Remarkable Comeback: A Surprise Return to the Football Pitch at 42

BRAZIL symbol Ronaldinho is back on the field at the age of 42.

Brazil legend Ronaldinho, 42, makes a surprise return to football and tells a fantastic joke to the referee.

After spending the final years of his career in South America, the Barcelona great retired from professional football in 2015.

However, football fans will have one more chance to see him in a uniform.

The ex-Paris Saint-Germain and AC Milan forward played for Porcinos FC in the King’s League, which is run by another Barcelona icon Gerard Pique.

Brazil legend Ronaldinho, 42, makes a surprise return to football and tells a fantastic joke to the referee.

The event, which is centered in Spain, permits teams to add a 12th player each week, who is usually a retired footballer or a celebrity.

Former professionals who have competed in the competition include Iker Casillas, Kun Aguero, and Xavi.

Ronaldinho was competing in the competition’s eighth round against Pio FC.

And he was given the chance to score in the one-off game when his team was awarded a penalty.

Brazil legend Ronaldinho, 42, makes a surprise return to football and tells a fantastic joke to the referee.

This offered the 2002 World Cup winner the opportunity to stun everyone with a fantastic statement.

It came after the referee questioned Ronaldinho about taking the penalty kick.

“I’m not going to run,” he said, “let someone else run.”

Porcinos FC eventually lost 3-1 as Ronaldinho failed to guide his team to victory.

Brazil legend Ronaldinho, 42, makes a surprise return to football and tells a fantastic joke to the referee.

Despite this, he drew a lot of attention online, with Spanish media reporting that the match was watched by 873,000 people across Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok.

Ronaldinho retired from football eight years ago after a stint with Fluminese but returned to the game in 2018 for a brief stay with Indian Futsal club the Goa 5.

Brazil legend Ronaldinho, 42, makes a surprise return to football and tells a fantastic joke to the referee.

He is one of just eight players in history to have won the Champions League, World Cup, and Ballon d’Or.

Ronaldinho had a fantastic club career, scoring 266 goals in 699 appearances.

He also played 97 times for Brazil, scoring 33 goals.

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