Back to the 90s: Man Utd’s 2023-2024 Away Kit Brings Back Classic Vibes

Today, we are proud to present the new Manchester United away kit for the 2023/24 season, celebrating the club’s long past while offering a fresh, modern look that resonates with a new generation of football stars on the world’s greatest stages.

rr Man Utd and Adidas Unveil Nostalgic 2023-2024 Away Kit, Bringing Back Iconic Elements from Two Decades Ago. - LifeAnimal

This shirt, in particular, recalls the club’s early years, reviving the iconic vertical stripes last seen two decades ago.

It is a design that holds a special place in the hearts of United devotees, recalling memories of moments deep in the annals of football history. It is currently available at United Direct.

The new away kit is inspired by the club’s first away strips, introducing a new interpretation of the classic green. The dark red lines accentuate the white blocks, reminiscent of the city’s signature red brick and architecture.

rr Man Utd and Adidas Unveil Nostalgic 2023-2024 Away Kit, Bringing Back Iconic Elements from Two Decades Ago. - LifeAnimal

The night blue background represents Manchester’s famous urban landscape, providing the perfect canvas for the bold, vibrant design. Completing the silhouette is a stylish ribbed white boat neck.

A spokesperson for adidas said: “We’re extremely excited to be returning to the design that is fundamental to the legacy of this great club. Vertical stripes are in Manchester United’s DNA and we hope this bold new look will capture the imaginations of fans as they travel the world to support the team.

“We’ve deliberately taken cues from the city itself, to give both players and traveling fans a piece of home, no matter where they’re wearing it.”

rr Man Utd and Adidas Unveil Nostalgic 2023-2024 Away Kit, Bringing Back Iconic Elements from Two Decades Ago. - LifeAnimal


The on-court version of the jersey features HEAT.RDY technology, ensuring that United players stay cool and comfortable while playing at their peak on the biggest stages. Designed to wick away moisture and regulate body temperature, this innovative technology helps players focus on the game and give their best on the court.

For fans, the version of the kit incorporates AEROREADY technology, specifically designed to keep the body dry and comfortable, making it the perfect outfit for both game day and everyday wear. In addition to impressive performance features, the new away kit is testament to adidas’ commitment to sustainability. Crafted from 100% recycled materials, this is one of adidas’ efforts to tackle plastic waste and save the planet.

rr Man Utd and Adidas Unveil Nostalgic 2023-2024 Away Kit, Bringing Back Iconic Elements from Two Decades Ago. - LifeAnimal

The moment fans have been eagerly waiting for is almost here. The new away kit will be unveiled during the club’s pre-season tour of the US, when United host Wrexham AFC at San Diego’s Snapdragon Stadium on July 25. It promises to be an iconic moment as the players take to the field for the first time in this eye-catching kit.

rr Man Utd and Adidas Unveil Nostalgic 2023-2024 Away Kit, Bringing Back Iconic Elements from Two Decades Ago. - LifeAnimal

In this latest offering from adidas and Manchester United, tradition and innovation come together in a seamless blend. The new 2023/24 away kit not only represents the rich history of the club, but also embodies the vibrant Manchester spirit that runs through the veins of every player and fan.

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