The man decided to adopt a cute dog that lost his front legs the first time he met

Meet Nubby, the doggie with no front legs. Vets thought he wouldn’t make it. “His siblings were pushing him out of the way. He would have perished,” Lou Robinson, Nubby’s foster mom, told The Dodo. “He came home with me.” Robinson is the founder of an animal rescue group called Warriors Educate About Rescue. She and her husband learnt about all the ways they could improve Nubby’s chances of survival.

“Day three came and went, day seven, day 10, day 16 and Nubby thrived. He thrived!” says Robinson. “His eyes opened, his ears developed, he found his sounds, smells and voice.”

Then, Nubby stopped pooping and started sneezing. He was blowing milk bubbles out of his nose and didn’t want to eat. They rushed him to the vet who confirmed the puppy not only had pneumonia, but also an “esophageal abnormality.” “He had a pocket form in his esophagus that was trapping his milk,” says Robinson.

Now the doggie is back with his foster parents, and they are taking it day by day. He just turned 5 weeks old, and his favourite thing is snuggles with his dad. “As long as he has a chance at quality of life, we will fight to give him that chance.”

Meet Nubby, the doggie with no front legs who was thought not to make it…

When faced with the possibility of euthanizing a front-legless puppy, veterinarians were met with intervention from a compassionate soul, igniting a flicker of hope. - Lillise
“His siblings were pushing him out of the way. He would have perished”

When faced with the possibility of euthanizing a front-legless puppy, veterinarians were met with intervention from a compassionate soul, igniting a flicker of hope. - Lillise
“He came home with me… “Day three came and went, day seven, day 10, day 16 and Nubby thrived”
When faced with the possibility of euthanizing a front-legless puppy, veterinarians were met with intervention from a compassionate soul, igniting a flicker of hope. - Lillise
“His eyes opened, his ears developed, he found his sounds, smells and voice”

When faced with the possibility of euthanizing a front-legless puppy, veterinarians were met with intervention from a compassionate soul, igniting a flicker of hope. - Lillise
Then a crisis hit. It turned out the pooch had pneumonia and “esophageal abnormality”
When faced with the possibility of euthanizing a front-legless puppy, veterinarians were met with intervention from a compassionate soul, igniting a flicker of hope. - Lillise
“He had a pocket form in his esophagus that was trapping his milk”
When faced with the possibility of euthanizing a front-legless puppy, veterinarians were met with intervention from a compassionate soul, igniting a flicker of hope. - Lillise
Now the doggie is back with his foster parents, and they are taking it day by day
When faced with the possibility of euthanizing a front-legless puppy, veterinarians were met with intervention from a compassionate soul, igniting a flicker of hope. - Lillise
He just turned 5 weeks old, and his favourite thing is snuggles with his dad

When faced with the possibility of euthanizing a front-legless puppy, veterinarians were met with intervention from a compassionate soul, igniting a flicker of hope. - Lillise
“As long as he has a chance at quality of life, we will fight to give him that chance”
When faced with the possibility of euthanizing a front-legless puppy, veterinarians were met with intervention from a compassionate soul, igniting a flicker of hope. - Lillise
The puppy is “very happy, needy and rotten already… Life finds a way”


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