Sailing in Style: Georgina Rodriguez’s Dazzling See-Through Dress Sets the Yacht Ablaze with Cristiano Ronaldo

GEORGINA RODRIGUEZ has wowed her followers again with her latest photo dump from her super-yacht holiday with Cristiano Ronaldo.

The pair have been enjoying a holiday aboard the £5.5million vessel in Sardinia.

Georgina Rodriguez stuns in see through dress on yacht with Cristiano Ronaldo

Georgina Rodriguez has stunned her fans on InstagramCredit: Instagram @georginagi

She and Cristiano Ronaldo have been enjoying a holiday aboard their super-yachtCredit: Instagram @georginagio

Georgina Rodriguez stuns in see through dress on yacht with Cristiano Ronaldo

Georgina posted a number of photos of their trip on InstagramCredit: Instagram @georginagio

Georgina Rodriguez stuns in see through dress on yacht with Cristiano Ronaldo

Ronaldo ate while the £5.5 million yacht was docked.Photo by @georginagio on Instagram

On deck, surrounded by their pals, Georgina cuddled up next to a shirtless Ronaldo.

The Spanish woman posted a series of stunning photographs to Instagram, where she stunned her admirers in a revealing pink dress.

She changed into a figure-hugging crimson dress and dazzling white heels.

In yet another picture, Georgina is seen sporting jeans and a different pair of black cropped high-rise shoes.

More recently, she has astonished admirers with vacation photos of herself in a see-through garment aboard a yacht with Ronaldo, 38.

Her Instagram followers were eager to applaud the couple, calling them “hottest parents” in the comments section.

One person referred to her as a “goddess,” while another said she was “living the good life.”

A green bikini-clad Georgina has also drawn attention as she lounged on Ronaldo’s opulent 88-foot Azimut Grande.

Then, to celebrate her new role as the Fall 2023 face of GUESS and Marciano, she stunned in a skintight minidress.

Ronaldo became the highest-paid sportsperson ever after he signed a lucrative £173million-a-year deal with the Saudi Pro League club Al-Nassr in January but he missed out on title glory in his first season there.

Before the flashy cars, boats, jewelry, and homes, Georgina worked as a sales associate for Gucci in Madrid, where she met Ronaldo, a star player for Real Madrid at the time.

Two of Ronaldo’s five children are with the Argentine beauty, who currently has over 39 million Instagram followers.

Georgina Rodriguez stuns in see through dress on yacht with Cristiano Ronaldo

Georgina’s 50 million followers got to see several snaps of the tripCredit: Eroteme

Georgina Rodriguez stuns in see through dress on yacht with Cristiano Ronaldo

She showed off her nails, high heels and bag in one of the photosCredit: Eroteme

Georgina Rodriguez stuns in see through dress on yacht with Cristiano Ronaldo

Georgina and the couple’s children were by his side at his Al-Nassr unveiling in JanuaryCredit: AFP

Cristiano Ronaldo

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