UPS Driver Adopts Faithful Pit Bull After Owner’s Passing

hd."An Unbreakable Bond: UPS Driver Adopts Loyal Pit Bull Who Waited Faithfully After Owner's Passing" - LifeAnimal

There’s this rumour going on that dogs and UPS drivers don’t generally get along well, but if the story in the video below is any indication of the truth, that rumour is simply not true.

Katie Newhouser is a UPS driver with more than fifteen years of experience in the field. During her extensive career, she’s probably met more dogs than she can remember, but there’s only one dog in particular that managed to earn a very special place in her heart.hd."An Unbreakable Bond: UPS Driver Adopts Loyal Pit Bull Who Waited Faithfully After Owner's Passing" - LifeAnimal

“He would always start barking as I pulled into the condo complex,” Katie wrote on Facebook. “He would always jump into my truck when I stopped.”

hd."An Unbreakable Bond: UPS Driver Adopts Loyal Pit Bull Who Waited Faithfully After Owner's Passing" - LifeAnimal

Katie met Leo at an address she usually ends up at least a few times a month. Leo’s owner was a nice lady named Tina who had had the dog since he was just a little puppy. As you can imagine, the relationship between Tina and Leo was extremely close, and the connection was obvious even to Katie. But one day as she stopped to visit Leo, Katie found out the Tina had unfortunately passed away while she was on vacation. Her son who was in the Marine was left in charge of the dog. But because of his busy schedule, he was unable to offer Leo the kind of love and attention he had got used to.

So Katie reached out to the son and asked him if he would consider giving the dog to her, as she and Leo had formed a pretty close relationship over the years. Although she already had several dogs in her care, Katie knew Leo would fit right in. Now, they are all one big happy family.

hd."An Unbreakable Bond: UPS Driver Adopts Loyal Pit Bull Who Waited Faithfully After Owner's Passing" - LifeAnimal

“It was probably confusing for him at first, [but] he has adapted well,” she said. “He and his brother Moose are inseparable. Bailey, his sister, has taken a while to come around, [but] they actually play now…once Leo was introduced into the house, the whole vibe changed.”

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