Georgina’s Unfulfilled Wish: The Intriguing Object Cristiano Ronaldo Wouldn’t Give

Georgina Rodriguez – girlfriend of Cristiano Ronaldo – collects Birkin bags, Louis Vuitton clothes … with a total value of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Georgina Rodriguez showed off her style on the Venice red carpet on September 3 in Italy. Video:Skifbull.Rodriguez was born in 9 and is of Spanish and Argentine descent. The model and Cristiano Ronaldo have been dating since 1994. A year later, the couple welcomed their first daughter Alana Martina. She takes care of both her common children, her boyfriend’s stepsons. Since falling in love with the soccer superstar, Rodriguez enjoys the affluent life. She often shows off her branded goods, high-end vacations on her personal page.

Unveiling the Intriguing Object: Cristiano Ronaldo Refused to Gift, Despite Georgina's EnthusiasmRodriguez is addicted to Hermes’ Birkin bags, the price of each bag ranges from several tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on the material and size. She once showed off a large red one with a white tracksuit by the plane.

Unveiling the Intriguing Object: Cristiano Ronaldo Refused to Gift, Despite Georgina's EnthusiasmCô cũng có một chiếc màu hồng da cá sấu cỡ vừa.

Unveiling the Intriguing Object: Cristiano Ronaldo Refused to Gift, Despite Georgina's EnthusiasmChiếc Hermes Himalayan Crocodile kinh điển thuộc hàng đắt nhất thế giới được người đẹp chọn lựa với cỡ nhỏ.

Unveiling the Intriguing Object: Cristiano Ronaldo Refused to Gift, Despite Georgina's EnthusiasmLong legs paired with high-waisted sailor pants, denim jacket and black crocodile skin Birkin bag.

Unveiling the Intriguing Object: Cristiano Ronaldo Refused to Gift, Despite Georgina's EnthusiasmThe CR7 lover, dressed in Louis Vuitton pants, was photographed unboxing two white and black Birkin bags.

Unveiling the Intriguing Object: Cristiano Ronaldo Refused to Gift, Despite Georgina's EnthusiasmFor another occasion, she paired a red cleavage dress with a white accessory set of Birkin bags and Hermes sandals. In addition, on his personal page, Rodriguez once showed off a black, blue and gray Birkin bag made of calf skin.

Unveiling the Intriguing Object: Cristiano Ronaldo Refused to Gift, Despite Georgina's EnthusiasmIn addition to Hermes bags, she owns many Louis Vuitton bag models. The beauty showed off her style on the plane with a transparent plastic Louis Vuitton bag. At a fashion village event, the beauty attended with a hard plastic bag of a French fashion house.

Unveiling the Intriguing Object: Cristiano Ronaldo Refused to Gift, Despite Georgina's EnthusiasmThe limited-edition Chanel bag was paired with a life jacket and black boots.

Unveiling the Intriguing Object: Cristiano Ronaldo Refused to Gift, Despite Georgina's EnthusiasmThe beauty showed off her style with Chanel silk bags and scarves and brown Hermes sandals.

Unveiling the Intriguing Object: Cristiano Ronaldo Refused to Gift, Despite Georgina's EnthusiasmChanel backpacks combine glossy leather pants and strapless sandals to create a luxurious look for the beauty.

Unveiling the Intriguing Object: Cristiano Ronaldo Refused to Gift, Despite Georgina's EnthusiasmRodriguez shows off his $5,600 Louis Vuitton pajamas.

Unveiling the Intriguing Object: Cristiano Ronaldo Refused to Gift, Despite Georgina's Enthusiasm

On one of her cruises, she wore a silk dress with a papyrus hat and Prada bag.

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