Beverly Hills Pedicure for King James: LeBron James Primps Feet Before NBA Return

Before making his return to the National Basketball Association on Tuesday, LeBron James went to Beverly Hills to get a pedicure, but it did not help him win any of his games.

The superstar player for the Cleveland Cavaliers, who had been out of action for two weeks due to ailments to his back and knees, didn’t want to take any chances before his team’s game against the Phoenix Suns, so he made sure that the swift feet that allow him zip around the floor were in tip-top condition.

The athlete, who was referred to as King James, appeared to be in excellent health, and he was also wearing brightly colored attire. In preparation for the pampering session, he donned a stunning pair of Nike trainers and a bright orange T-shirt.

NBA star Lebron James stopped for a 'pedicure' in Beverly Hills ahead of his return to NBA action

.NBA star Lebron James stopped for a 'pedicure' in Beverly Hills ahead of his return to NBA action

Lebron James stopped for a pedicure in Beverly Hills ahead of his return to NBA action on Tuesday

NBA star Lebron James stopped for a 'pedicure' in Beverly Hills ahead of his return to NBA action

Toe-tally ready for action: James had the pedicure after being sidelined for two weeks

NBA star Lebron James stopped for a 'pedicure' in Beverly Hills ahead of his return to NBA action

Footloose and fancy free: This picture from James’s Instagram account from February 2014 reveals that the Beverly Hills pedicure wasn’t his first time getting a pedicure.

James played on the court for slightly under 37 minutes and scored 33 points during the game, which was won by Phoenix with a score of 107-100.

The Cavaliers had high hopes that James’ return would lead to an immediate turnaround in their fortunes. They were unsuccessful in seven of the eight games he was out for during the longest period of his career spent on the sidelines.

James revealed before the game that he might have taken more time off if his team had been winning, and he stated that it was difficult for him to endure watching the Cavaliers lose while he was sitting on the bench.

James described the experience as “the most difficult thing I’ve ever gone through.” “I detested the fact that we were playing some pretty decent ball when I went out, but we just lost a lot of games while I was out,” the player said.

Shawn Marion, a crucial reserve for the Cavaliers, returned after missing two games with a strained hip and was healthy enough to play.

NBA star Lebron James stopped for a 'pedicure' in Beverly Hills ahead of his return to NBA action

Camera shy? James hides his face from photographers as his feet are tended to

NBA star Lebron James stopped for a 'pedicure' in Beverly Hills ahead of his return to NBA action

Soleful: James’s left foot is carefully massaged during the session in Los Angeles

NBA star Lebron James stopped for a 'pedicure' in Beverly Hills ahead of his return to NBA action

Relaxing: It wasn’t just James’s feet that were pampered, he also had a head massage

NBA star Lebron James stopped for a 'pedicure' in Beverly Hills ahead of his return to NBA action

.NBA star Lebron James stopped for a 'pedicure' in Beverly Hills ahead of his return to NBA action

The future is orange: James strides down a sidewalk in Beverly Hills with his entourage, with one young onlooker hoping for an autograph (right)

NBA star Lebron James stopped for a 'pedicure' in Beverly Hills ahead of his return to NBA action

Popular: The star caused a stir as he made his way through the upscale Los Angeles area

James stated that the team, which got off to a bad start as it adjusted to the return of the superstar to his first NBA club after four seasons in Miami, just needed to keep focused on the things that had them progressing prior to his injury absence. This was in response to the fact that the team got off to a slow start as it adjusted to the return of the superstar to his first NBA club after four seasons in Miami.

According to what James had to say, “We just have to continue to work the habits and things we’ve built over the course of the season.” “We’ve played some really good basketball, and we’ve also played some basketball that wasn’t very good.”

“Obviously, as of late, we haven’t played particularly well on the basketball court, so here’s hoping we can get back to our old ways.”

In December of 2016, James’s behavior of putting his arm around the Duchess of Cambridge caused some raised eyebrows.

After a game with the Brooklyn Nets in New York, where they were also given a shirt for Prince George, Prince William and Kate posed for photos with a star who had just played for the team.

Etiquette was broken, however, when Mr. James wrapped his arm around the Duchess of Cambridge’s shoulder as the camera flashes were going off.

It was after the royal pair had met music royalty Beyoncé and her husband Jay-Z that the eyebrow-raising moment occurred, as well as after Prince William had visited the White House for a meeting with President Barack Obama.

According to etiquette expert William Hanson, who spoke with MailOnline, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are not likely to give Mr. James the cold shoulder; nonetheless, he still should have kept his arm away from her.

He stated that “Mr. James should not have put his arm around her, even though I am sure that the Duchess of Cambridge won’t have worried about it.”

The phrase “Americans are much more tactile than we Brits,” and this is another example of an American getting too touchy-feely with British aristocracy, illustrates this point. You’d think that by this point, they would have picked up some new skills. Mr. Hanson continued, saying, ‘A shower would have been preferable, but he had just concluded a game – so even more reason for him not to have opened his pits by lifting his arm and placing it over Her Royal Highness!’

On the other hand, LeBron put his arm around Kate for about a split second while they posed for a shot, so there was no harm meant, none taken, and that it was a very informal event.

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