This veterinarian travels all over California providing free care to homeless dogs


Dr. Kwane Stewart had no idea that volunteering in his local soup kitchen would quickly become a heroic passion and almost decade-long mission to provide medical care to the pets of the less fortunate.

The Great Recession of 2007 made countless people homeless, with many being unable to afford healthcare for their pets — and thus flooded the streets of California with countless stray animals. Dr. Stewart Kwane, a 49-year-old vet, couldn’t just stand aside and watch this happen. With the help of his son and girlfriend, he set up a table at a soup kitchen to see if any homeless people were interested in free vet care for their pets.

This Heroic Veterinarian Is Walking Around California Treating Homeless People’s Dogs For Free


This Heroic Veterinarian Is Walking Around California Treating Homeless People’s Dogs For Free

Stewart treated over 15 animals in one day alone — a figure so alarmingly high he knew he needed to keep his practice going.

“That first experience was one of the most rewarding moments for me,” Stewart told GoFundMe. “When you give back, there is something you get in return that feels much larger. I knew I wanted to keep doing it.”

This Heroic Veterinarian Is Walking Around California Treating Homeless People’s Dogs For Free

Since that day, Stewart has continued on his good work. Traveling around all of California, scouting out animals who are in need of medical assistance, absolutely free of charge. The veterinarian spends his free time walking through alleyways and overpasses with his bag full of medical supplies, treating all types of animals, dogs, cats, and even exotic pets.

This Heroic Veterinarian Is Walking Around California Treating Homeless People’s Dogs For Free


This Heroic Veterinarian Is Walking Around California Treating Homeless People’s Dogs For Free

In an interview with Today, Steward said he typically treats flea infestations, ear infections, and mild arthritis, most of which can be treated with a simple vaccine. However, there can be more severe cases where surgery is necessary, these costs can be considerably higher than what Steward can handle out of his own pocket.

This Heroic Veterinarian Is Walking Around California Treating Homeless People’s Dogs For Free

“I don’t ever want to have to turn anybody away,” he told GoFundMe. “The look on people’s faces when they get their pets back, especially after a surgery or a life-saving procedure  —  those are moments I’ll remember forever.”

This Heroic Veterinarian Is Walking Around California Treating Homeless People’s Dogs For Free

To help raise funds for these costly procedures, Stewart started a GoFundMe page in September 2019. “All donations will go to the care of these pets and will surely make a difference in the owner’s lives as well,” he wrote on the fundraising page. To date, Stewart has raised over $115,000.

This Heroic Veterinarian Is Walking Around California Treating Homeless People’s Dogs For Free


This Heroic Veterinarian Is Walking Around California Treating Homeless People’s Dogs For Free

He has also partnered with a Los Angeles-based animal hospital and hopes that others will take time to volunteer with underprivileged animals.

He added, “Anyone has the power to help. You can volunteer at a rescue shelter. You can donate money or time. As that generosity spreads, it helps fuel the positive energy in the world.”

This Heroic Veterinarian Is Walking Around California Treating Homeless People’s Dogs For Free

“Giving a little can make all the difference,” writes the doctor on his GoFundMe page

This Heroic Veterinarian Is Walking Around California Treating Homeless People’s Dogs For Free

Dr. Kwane is doing an amazing job and we hope that more vets will be inspired to take action. Nobody should have to suffer the loss of a friend simply because they can’t afford to see a vet.


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