Nature’s Spectacle: Fly Geyser, the United States’ Hidden Treasure

Discovering The Enchanting Fly Geyser: Unveiling A Hidden Gem Of The United States - Nature and Life

The Fly Geyser geyser, located about 32 km north of Gerlach in Washoe County, Nevada, is a little-known tourist destination. The geyser is located right near the edge of the natural Fly Reservoir lake, more than 3.5m high.. This is not a completely natural phenomenon, there are two geysers on the land. The first geyser was created in 1916, when the owner of a private farm drilled a well in the hope that the desert would turn into fertile grassland, he accidentally hit a geothermal pocket of water.

Discovering The Enchanting Fly Geyser: Unveiling A Hidden Gem Of The United States - Nature and Life

Then in 1964, a geothermal energy company drilling a test at the site encountered a geothermal geyser that boiled about 200 degrees Fahrenheit. From there, hot water began to spew on the surface of the well. The heat of geothermal caused the geyser to erupt at a height of 1.5m.

Discovering The Enchanting Fly Geyser: Unveiling A Hidden Gem Of The United States - Nature and LifeThe magical color of this fountain is formed by minerals, hot gases and thermophilic algae that love to live in hot and humid conditions.

The magical color of this fountain is formed by minerals, hot gases and thermophilic algae that love to live in hot and humid conditions. At first glance, one feels like standing in front of the scene of a sci-fi movie only on Mars. Over time, thanks to the constant supply of minerals and hot gas, the Fly Geyser geyser keeps expanding. In particular, underneath the geyser Fly Geyser has created its own ecosystem when there are several species of birds and fish living here.

Discovering The Enchanting Fly Geyser: Unveiling A Hidden Gem Of The United States - Nature and Life

Minerals in the water are spewed from the faucet, creating a mound of very special shape. The mound is 10-12 feet (about 2m) high and has a variety of green and red colors. The inside of the mound also contains quartz and this type of quartz is growing much faster than any other geyser. Normally, quartz doesn’t start to grow for about 10,000 years in geysers, which makes the Fly Geyser geyser all the more magical.

Discovering The Enchanting Fly Geyser: Unveiling A Hidden Gem Of The United States - Nature and Life

The Fly Geyser is located in a fenced-in land, on the privately owned Fly Ranch grassland. There is only a small separate dirt road leading to the underground mound.

The Fly geyser has aroused endless inspiration for photographers around the world to create photos. Coming here to visit, visitors will feel like they are lost in the strange scene on Mars. Every year, this place attracts a lot of tourists to visit and learn.

Discovering The Enchanting Fly Geyser: Unveiling A Hidden Gem Of The United States - Nature and LifeDiscovering The Enchanting Fly Geyser: Unveiling A Hidden Gem Of The United States - Nature and LifeDiscovering The Enchanting Fly Geyser: Unveiling A Hidden Gem Of The United States - Nature and LifeDiscovering The Enchanting Fly Geyser: Unveiling A Hidden Gem Of The United States - Nature and Life

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