Kayla Nicole Got a Taste, Now She Wants More After Lakers’ Big Win

Kayla Nicole, the ex-partner of Travis Kelce, has stated that she is ‘trying to go to all the games’ after witnessing the Lakers’ quarterfinal and going to the 49ers-Eagles game after sending a flirtatious message to Jalen Hurts.

Kayla Nicole is 'trying to go to all the games' after witnessing the Lakers' quarterfinal

After going on a recent game day splurge, Kayla Nicole, the ex-girlfriend of Travis Kelce, disclosed her passion of athletic events.

The 32-year-old has been to numerous NFL games throughout her relationship with Kelce, so she won’t be unfamiliar with the venue.

Kayla Nicole is 'trying to go to all the games' after witnessing the Lakers' quarterfinal

However, the model has continued to be a fixture at numerous athletic events even after their romance ended and in the midst of the NFLer’s new love story with Taylor Swift.Nicole gained notoriety over the weekend for attending parties at Lincoln Financial Field with Claire Kittle, a 49ers wide receiver married to tight end George Kittle, and Kristin Juszczyk, fullback Kyle Juszczyk’s wife.

The influencer, who is based in Los Angeles, most recently witnessed a tҺrilling game-ending sequence when the Los Angeles Lakers defeated the Phoenix Suns in the NBA in-season tournament quarterfinals. On Tuesday night, Nicole posted to her Instagram story a video of the Lakers winning on the buzzer and a selfie she took with a pal from the stands.

Kayla Nicole is 'trying to go to all the games' after witnessing the Lakers' quarterfinal

“Fun fact about me, I’m, 100,000% the friend who you can call and be like, “You okay, you tryna go to the game?” “She shared a video of herself telling followers later on Tuesday.” The match? Without a doubt.Of course, I’m trying to attend the game. In actuality, I’m attempting to attend every game. Sports: baseball, hockey, football, soccer, basketball, and baseball. Play, play, play, please.

My point is, and this is just a joke, if you got a game and an extra ticket. No, that isn’t my point; I’m sure you guys will take this further. My point is that I enjoy watching sports, so if you guys are striving to win the game, I’m good for it.

Kayla Nicole is 'trying to go to all the games' after witnessing the Lakers' quarterfinal

Under the cover of a private suite, Nicole watched the 49ers defeat the Philadelphia Eagles alongside Kittle and Juszczyk, making toasts, snapping photographs, and participating in shouts.

Nicole caused a stir last week when she seemed to make a flirtatious remark about Hurts. This was followed by her attendance at the Eagles game.

Nicole responded to Hurts’ attendance at a 76ers-Lakers game in Philadelphia on X by writing, “Fly Eagles Fly.”In a another post, Nicole said, “Y’all have eyes too.”

However, Philadelphia fans promptly alerted Nicole to the fact that the signal caller was no longer available.

“Jalen has a Black Queen already!” One individual said, “Relax,” mentioning Hurts’ girlfriend Bryonna “Bry” Rivera Burrows.

It seems, though, that Nicole wasn’t simply at the game to support the quarterback, given her subsequent remarks.

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