Louis Vuitton & Layups: LeBron’s Christmas Style Takes Center Stage Against Celtics

LeBron James, star of the Los Angeles Lakers, arrived at Crypto.com Arena before the Boston Celtics game on Christmas Day and proudly displayed his jacket. For his Christmas game, the four-time winner opted to wear a designer brand.

Louis Vuitton & Layups: LeBron’s Christmas Style Takes Center Stage Against Celtics

A unique Louis Vuitton leather jacket was James’s choice of outerwear. You can see the superstar getting ready for the game in the shot below.

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Louis Vuitton & Layups: LeBron’s Christmas Style Takes Center Stage Against Celtics

The Lakers star played in his 18th Christmas Day game for the league tonight. The NBA has made it a tradition to accommodate fans’ demands to watch James play throughout the Christmas season.

Is it time for current NBA players to be inducted into the Hall of Fаme? It might be something you’re interested in. Providing credence to LeBron James’s case

Louis Vuitton & Layups: LeBron’s Christmas Style Takes Center Stage Against Celtics

The NBA Christmas Day jerseys were popular with LeBron James, and he wants them reinstated.

As a tradition, the league’s Christmas Day jerseys have been a nice touch for fans. A number of famous jerseys have been worn by celebrities over the Christmas season. LeBron James has had multiple opportunities to wear special jerseys throughout the worldwide holiday, since he has played in a significant number of games.

Unfortunately, the special edition jersey has been discontinued by both Nike and the league in recent years. A small number of players, including James and Rui Hachimura, would like to see it worn by players again, even if few fans are interested in finding it. After seeing the limited edition outfits, the Lakers players were quick to voice their thoughts.

I really wish the league still had Christmas Day uniforms. Posting on X, James wondered why it had ceased.

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Whoever heard out that the league wouldn’t be having special jerseys this year, including Hachimura—who plays in his first Christmas Day game tonight—shared his sorrow.

This is my first time. It has been in my dreams for a while. Things are looking well for me. Will there be jerseys for us to wear? “Such as a holiday jersey?” The words came out of Hachimura’s mouth.”Awwww,” the Japanese forward exclaimed upon learning that the limited edition jerseys would not be worn.

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Several World Famous LeBron James Christmas Shirts

Louis Vuitton & Layups: LeBron’s Christmas Style Takes Center Stage Against Celtics

An unforgettable showdown between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors took place in 2016. The design was minimalistic, showcasing the team’s main colors.

The 2012 NBA commercial “Carol of Bells” included Dwight Howard, Carmelo Anthony, Joe Johnson, Russell Westbrook, and Dwyane Wade, and it became an iconic piece of advertising. James sported a monochromatic color palette during his time with the Miami Heat.

Dec. 25 was the day when the Heat beаt the OKC Thunder.

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