The appearance of a clown at the funeral surprised people

A day in a life of a funeral clown – Breaking International

As the alarm clock rings at 6 am, John knows that he has a long day ahead of him. He gets up, takes a quick shower and gets dressed in his funeral clown outfit. As a funeral clown, John’s job is to bring a little bit of joy and comfort to families who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

A day in a life of a funeral clown – Breaking International

A day in a life of a funeral clown – Breaking International

John drives to the funeral home, where he is greeted by the funeral director. They discuss the details of the service and John begins to prepare for his role. He makes sure his balloons, jokes, and other props are ready to go.

A day in a life of a funeral clown – Breaking International

The service starts at 10 am and John is there to greet mourners with a smile and a few jokes. He knows that his job is to provide some light relief during a difficult time. As the service begins, John takes a seat at the back of the chapel, ready to do his part when the time comes.

A day in a life of a funeral clown – Breaking International

A day in a life of a funeral clown – Breaking International

As the eulogy ends, John makes his way to the front of the chapel. He introduces himself as the funeral clown and explains that he is there to bring a little bit of laughter and joy to the proceedings. He tells a few jokes, makes balloon animals for the kids, and even performs a short magic show.

A day in a life of a funeral clown – Breaking International

A day in a life of a funeral clown – Breaking International

John knows that some people might find his presence at a funeral inappropriate, but he believes that laughter can be a powerful tool for healing. He has seen how a few well-timed jokes can lift the spirits of those who are grieving.

A day in a life of a funeral clown – Breaking International

A day in a life of a funeral clown – Breaking International

After the service, John stays around to talk to mourners and offer his condolences. He knows that his role as a funeral clown is more than just making people laugh – it’s about being a compassionate and caring presence during a difficult time.

A day in a life of a funeral clown – Breaking International

A day in a life of a funeral clown – Breaking International

As John drives home at the end of the day, he feels a sense of satisfaction knowing that he has done his part to help people through a tough time. He may not be able to bring their loved ones back, but he can bring a little bit of lightness to their day and help them remember the good times.

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