The Mystique of Hakim Ziyech: Discovering the Intriguing Private Life of the Moroccan Football Sensation

Private life Hakim Ziyech – Hakim Ziyech is a Moroccan footballer, who currently plays as a midfielder for Chelsea club. Today, let’s explore with  Personal life Hakim Ziyech, Moroccan football star!

Hakim Ziyech's private life Moroccan football star surprises fans.p - Malise

Details Private Life Hakim Ziyech

Hakim Ziyech Family : Hakim Ziyech was born on March 19, 1993 in Dronten, Netherlands. There is no information about his parents’ names.

Hakim Ziyech's private life Moroccan football star surprises fans.p - Malise

Marital Status : Hakim Ziyech is currently single.

Hakim Ziyech's private life Moroccan football star surprises fans.p - Malise

He often spends his free time having fun with family and friends.

Hakim Ziyech's private life Moroccan football star surprises fans.p - Malise

However, there is information that he is dating the beautiful Aja Narie, although it has not been confirmed yet.

Hakim Ziyech's private life Moroccan football star surprises fans.p - Malise

Property : Giant Hakim Ziyech is receiving a salary of about 100 thousand pounds/week. Every day Hakim Ziyech earns about 14.28 thousand pounds/day, equivalent to 408 million VND.

Hakim Ziyech's private life Moroccan football star surprises fans.p - Malise

Net worth : Hakim Ziyech’s net worth is currently around £13 million.

Car : Hakim Ziyech owns a Lamborghini.

Hakim Ziyech's private life Moroccan football star surprises fans.p - Malise

Honors : Hakim Ziyech won the Eredivisie 2018 with Ajax Amsterdam, with Chelsea won the UEFA Champions League 2020/21, the UEFA Super Cup 2021, the FIFA Club World Cup 2021. He was personally voted UEFA Champions’ Team League 2018/19, and Dutch Player of the Year / Golden Boot 2018…

Hakim Ziyech's private life Moroccan football star surprises fans.p - Malise

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