Barbara Palvin’s Sizzling Volleyball Session: Heat and Glamour at the Sports Illustrated Festival

She’s gained a legion of admirers after memorably making her Victoria’s Secret debut in a minuscule ʙικιɴι in 2012.

And Barbara Palvin showed off the body that helped make her famous as she worked up a sweat while playing volleyball at the Sports Illustrated Summer Of Swim Fan Festival on Sunday.Barbara Palvin works up a sweat in a plunging bikini top and denim cut-offs as she plays volleyball at Sports Illustrated festival

The 22-year-old model oozed Sєx appeal as she flashed her ample ʙosoм and tiny waist in a plunging ʙικιɴι top while basking in the sun in New York’s Coney Island.

And proving to be the ultimate natural beauty, the L’Oreal spokeswoman scraped her brunette tresses into a topknot and opted for simple and dewy makeup.Barbara Palvin works up a sweat in a plunging bikini top and denim cut-offs as she plays volleyball at Sports Illustrated festival

Barbara – who was recently unveiled as Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Rookie Of The Year – arrived earlier on in the day with her new SI pals, Hannah Davis and Nina Agdal.

And while she looked incredibly in shape, the beauty was forced to defend criticism over her weight after the first images of her shoot with Sports Illustrated were revealed earlier this year.Barbara Palvin works up a sweat in a plunging bikini top and denim cut-offs as she plays volleyball at Sports Illustrated festival

Meanwhile, Barbara recently fuelled romance rumours with Lewis Hamilton after she shared a lingering embrace with him at the Hungarian Grand Prix last month.

Formula 1 ace Lewis was first linked to Barbara in May, following rumours they fell for each other during the Cannes Film Festival.Barbara Palvin works up a sweat in a plunging bikini top and denim cut-offs as she plays volleyball at Sports Illustrated festival

And adding fuel to the fire at the time, the stunning brunette posted a selfie on her Instagram wearing a Mercedes hat and the hashtag: ‘TeamLH’.

A source close to the model said the pair are getting on ‘like a house on fire’.Barbara Palvin works up a sweat in a plunging bikini top and denim cut-offs as she plays volleyball at Sports Illustrated festival

‘They hung out every day and partied at night. By the end of the trip they were really close,’ the insider claimed. ‘They’ve been keeping in touch, with plans to meet up again soon.’Barbara Palvin works up a sweat in a plunging bikini top and denim cut-offs as she plays volleyball at Sports Illustrated festival

However, Barbara isn’t short on past admirers, having being linked with Niall Horan from One Direction and Justin Bieber.

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