A desperate puppy chained to a bridge railing on a busy motorway is pleading for aid from everyone

Some individuals will go to considerable lengths to abandon pets, and it’s a reoccurring problem of animal cruelty. Rescuers learnt about this dog when someone noticed it on the roadway.

The road was bustling and the dog was alone. Rescuers wasted little time going to the dog’s location, although it was a long way to drive.

Poor dog abandoned and tied to the bridge railing on a busy road is earnestly begging for help from everyone

Makes one think of how far this dog’s prior guardians travelled to leave it. Whatever its true home was, it was quite far away from it now.

It must have been quite the shocking, jarring change of environment for the poor animal.

The savior arrived at the site. It was on a huge bridge with a metal railing. Leash around its neck, the dog was tied painfully to the bridge’s railing in the middle of who-knows-where.

Poor dog abandoned and tied to the bridge railing on a busy road is earnestly begging for help from everyone

Worst of it all, the leash was tied in a way that prohibited the dog from resting its head.

Suddenly the dog was abandoned, alone, and scared. It’s not out of the question to assume she was traumatized by the whole incident too.

These animal rescuers certainly had their job cut out for them with this one. They began consoling the dog, something the creature really needed. Next was to liberate the dog.

Poor dog abandoned and tied to the bridge railing on a busy road is earnestly begging for help from everyone

It had an old hose tied around its neck. Not only was it struggling with the shock and anxiety of desertion, but it also had the most excruciating constraint on its neck.

After untying him from the rail, he was still quite scared. Some comfort and reassurance were in need, so he gives her a few pets and rubs. I guess those mean the world to a scared dog, no?

Poor dog abandoned and tied to the bridge railing on a busy road is earnestly begging for help from everyone

We’ve all resorted to food to assist ourselves during hard times, so we know what it’s like. Eat up, little doggo. You deserve it!

There’s even a lovely little plate for the dog to eat from. Fancy dinner in the middle of nowhere, are we?

He gives the dog some water to wash it down too. It must have been incredibly thirsty since no one knows how long it was out on that bridge. It’s a criminal to abandon an animal in many places of the world.

Poor dog abandoned and tied to the bridge railing on a busy road is earnestly begging for help from everyone

Yet, these rules don’t exist in every nation, making it something that still happens.

While this didn’t totally make everything great, it definitely cheered up the dog enough. Well, small steps.

Once the blues were washed away with food and water, it was time to bring the dog back to a safe area. This ended up being a grassy area where there was pets, massages, and fun all day.

Poor dog abandoned and tied to the bridge railing on a busy road is earnestly begging for help from everyone

The whole rescue was a success, and the consequences are quite evident from the dog.

Now she’s a whole lot happy. You’d never guess this dog was scared and tied to a bridge simply from looking.

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