A glimpse into Warriors’ Klay Thompson’s dating history (featuring Laura Harrier)

Klay Thompson is known for preferring to keep his personal affairs discreet, but he has been romantically associated with a number of womҽn over the years. Who exactly has the NBA player dated, then?


In 2017, it became evident that Thompson isn’t big on public relations. At the time, after Instagram model Abigail Ratchford shared a photo of herself with his dog, Rocco, he had become the focus of rυmors. A few months later, he refuted being in a relationship, according to an interview on 95.7 The Game (reported by The Mercury News). But that wasn’t just any denial. Instead, he made an extra effort to dispel any misunderstandings. “Oh, no, no, no, no,” he exclaimed. Yikes.

A year or two later, Thompson was the focus of new relationship rυmors. This time, SportsGossip.com posted video proof of him and his purported girlfriend, hairstylist Carleen Henry, at a Scheckler Foundation event to their Instagram account. However, things quickly changed. The outlet shared screenshots of Henry’s direct messages (DMs) confirming their relationship (though, note, not declaring they were a couple in the traditional sense). Additionally, they cited a person who claimed she had been leaking details to blogs. Although neither Thompson nor Henry publicly addressed the problem, The YBF stated that they had broken up and gave the DMs as the cause.

TL;DR: Thompson likes to be discreet. However, he has also engaged in more partnerships in the public eye.


In 2015, Thompson and Stocking made their relationship public by walking the red carpet together at the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards. That October, Stocking exposed the NBA guy for cheating on her in a drαmatic way, and things quickly changed. As seen in pictures from Mail Online, Stocking tweeted a hazy picture of a startled-looking Klay Thompson on the court along with the message, “When you catch ur man nakҽd in bed with a groupie…. lol @KlayThompson.” As if that wasn’t a strong enough invitation, Stocking made it seem like she had only spoken up because he wouldn’t leave her alone. She wrote, “I told him I’d @ him if he kept harassing me. Afterward, the tweets were deleted.

Stocking did not respond to the matter after the tweets. Thompson has also been quiet. However, there’s a good chance that the circumstance influenced his decision to conceal subsequent relationships.

He spoke candidly about his relationship with Laura Harrier.


The first to mention that the two were seeing one another was SportsGossip.com. Despite what appeared to be a dry spell in the spring of 2019—during which he was seen with Eiza Gonzalez—by the summer, he even shared social media images of the two of them enjoying a romantic holiday in France. A few months later, the two exchanged flirtatious remarks on Thompson’s reshared GQ “Can’t Live Without” video on Instagram. Harrier wrote, “Ummmm,” with a raised hand emoji after he failed to name her. However, Thompson pointed out that she had appeared in the video in images of the two aboard his boat using a boat emoji. It’s important to note that he had also mentioned her when talking about the book she had given him. Only a few months after attending the Vanity Fair Oscars party together that year, the former couple broke up in 2020.


Thompson has once more kept his relationship status a sҽcret since his breakup from Harrier. SportsGossip.com, however, asserted in March 2023 that a number of Instagram posts made by model Paige Rivas had been captured in his bedroom. Although it hasn’t been verified, Rivas and Thompson follow each other on Instagram. We guess we’re back in relative privacy mode.

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