Here are 38 working cats from the online community that is dedicated to them
The fact that cats sleeρ fσr abσut 15 hσurs a day (and sσme eνen manage tσ snσσze fσr uρ tσ 20 hσurs) dσes nσt maƙe them lazy. In fact, the subreddit r/CatsWithJσbs is here tσ
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The cat struggled to get home and the amazing recovery journey
Casper’s story is one of survival and resilience. This brave cat managed to make his way home after disappearing for days, despite suffering from a horrific injury that left half his head missing and infested with maggots. When he was found and taken in by a compassionate rescuer, his journey to recovery began. It was … Injured And Dying Cat Used All His Strength To Make It Home, Watch His Recovery! Read More »
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After being struck by a car, a poor cat lies on the road for hours without anyone stopping to assist!
In a heartwarming story of survival, a team of rescuers were able to save the life of a cat that had been hit by a car. The feline, named Whiskers, was found by a passerby on the side of the road, barely alive and with multiple injuries. The Good Samaritan immediately called a local rescue … A helpless cat lies on the road for hours after being hit by a car – nobody stops to help! Read More »
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A small cat who was starving and exhausted slumped on the side of the road
In a heart-wrenching incident, a poor little kitten was found lying on the roadside, struggling for his life. Despite his desperate cries for help, nobody stopped to lend a hand. It was a heartbreaking sight to see the kitten, whose life was slipping away, all alone and abandoned. Fortunately, a kind-hearted person finally spotted the […]
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Cat From South Korea Is Taking The Internet By Storm With His Special And Adorable Expressions
Home Uncategorized Cat From South Korea Is Stealing Hearts In Internet With His Unique And Cute Expressions
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20 Pictures of cats becoming reluctant babysitters
The psychological advantages of owning a cat have been widely acknowledged for quite some time now. Our furry companions can reduce anxiety and stress levels, lower the risk of heart disease, and generally enhance our
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Meet the 120-year-old cat, the oldest in the entire world!
Whether yοս ɑre ɑ ԁοɡ οr ɑ сɑt persοn, this stοry is simply ɑ-meοw-zinɡ. 😻 Jսst ƅefοre tսrninɡ 27 yeɑrs οlԁ, Flοssie (UК) hɑs οffiсiɑlly reсeiveԁ the Ԍսinness
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This boy saved the cat 11 years ago and they are still inseparable
11 years ago, a shelter cat reached out to a boy and jumped onto his lap for love. A decade later, they are still together! This is Ziggy and his soul mate, Jack! When Ziggy saw Jack it was love at first sight! Jack was 9 years old then. “The kitten pen was too busy […]
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The kitten that managed to survive the forklift accident never gave up and continued to struggle
A kitten, who was found badly injured in a factory, has beat the odds and made an incredible recovery. He was named Warrior as this little kitty survived a “nasty war.” The little ginger and white kitten was caught in one of the forklift trucks. When Warrior came to The Kitten Cottage, a rescue group in […]
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To comfort sick dogs, a paralysed cat wanders around the veterinary office to take care of them
Meet Lucifer, a true angel and star employee to all the sick animals at a vet clinic.
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