The “two-faced” cat from Thailand that’s going viral online
We’ve had a tough week/month/year/general existence, and sometimes we just need to look at a ridiculously cute animal to get us through it. The purrfect furball comes…
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Locals create a statue in her favorite place to remember a beloved street cat who has passed away
Cats can become a special part of our lives, even when they don’t belong to us. Many communities are filled with stray cats, who have no owners…
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This cat’s wish is just to have a warm family
A cat who has been in and out of the shelter, hopes to find a family willing to help her through thick and thin. Lily the calico…
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Kitten beats the odds and manages to live on just three legs
A kitten walks around as a tripod and awes everyone with her tenacity and resilience. A tiny kitten was found in a family’s yard without a mother…
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Woman Bonds Over the Joys and Challenges of Motherhood as She Shares Her Pregnancy with Her Pregnant Cat!
There is nσ dσubt that ρregnancy can be σne σf the tσughest things wσmen have tσ gσ thrσugh. If yσu see wσmen in cσmmercials and Internet videσs…
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Love has no boundaries: The cat learns to be the mother of the chicks
There are many people fond of animals. One of them was Taras, who lived with his partner and his loving pets in Costa del Sol, Spain. He…
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After years of living under the bridge, the cat is overjoyed to finally have a home
A cat is sσ haρρy tσ haνe a cσuch tσ sleeρ σn after rσaming the streets and liνing under a staircase fσr years. A stray tabby cat…
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Breaking rules and developing an odd friendship, a cat sneaks into a zoo and befriends a lynx
Cat Sneaks Into A Zoo And Becomes Friends With A Lynx It doesn’t matter what kind of animal you are, friendships develop just the same. This couple…
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A ill kitten is saved by a soldier’s kindness, creating a lovely new family
Christine Weber Bouldin was serving in Afghanistan back in 2008, when a very special little kitten came into her life and changed it for the better. “I’d never seen a cat like that,” the woman told PEOPLE. “I felt so sorry for her. She couldn’t stand up and would flip over.”
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Following a 300-mile voyage through the UK, a kitten rumored to have climbed into a car bumper was found
Home Uncategorized Kitten Travels 300 Miles In Pilot’s Car And Fnds A Home In The Navy
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