Found a wild cat that grows hair like a 9-tailed fox
Everyone can have a bad hair day, unfortunately for a cat named Hidey the bad hair day lasted for years. This neglected cat with severely matted fur resembling ‘dreadlocks’ has been rescued in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She was found with a very serious case of matting. The matted hairs were about 6 to 8 inches long, and had a combination of feces and tangled hair. So much so, she could barely move or walk around. But, now she finally has the chance to be happy and comfortable again.
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Synthesize cute and funny pictures of the cat that does everything to prevent the owner from solving the puzzle
Trying to accomplish anything meaningful with your life while caring for a cat is impossible. If they aren’t the center of attention all of the time, they will ruin everything that prevents you from giving them your full attention. It’s just the way a cat’s mind works.
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The fascinating account of a supermodel cat with diamond eyes becoming viral online stands out
This Supermodel Cat Is Taking Over The Internet With His Diamond Eyes The beauty of cat eyes is the doorway to their hearts, the place where love resides. For this…
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Touching and funny story about a cat who thinks the baby crib is his
While some cats need cuddles like they need air, others just need space. And the cat Flynn in this post is one of the typical examples because he doesn’t like to snuggle and cuddle with his owners. But when Flynn realized his mom was pregnant, he became really protective and cuddly.
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The touching story behind how the homeless cat keeps hugging everyone he meets
McCheeks is a 2 year old kitten who was rescued from the streets by the Best Friends Animal Society of Los Angeles. With his adorable demeanor, this small kitty named after him in honor of his cheeks has won everyone’s heart.
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This cat is still patiently waiting at someone’s door, wanting to change its own life
A cat lingered around outside someone’s home, trying to get in, so he could leave the outdoors once and for all. Leonard the catSara SharpA grey and white cat was seen in a neighborhood in South Jersey, trying to sneak into a resident’s home. He didn’t belong in th…
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The moment the cat enters the house, his face lights up and he greets everyone in the area
A cat was so happy to be indoors. His face lit up, and he started greeting everyone around him. Tobias the cat@comrescuemontrealStefany and her mother, Johanne, have been assisting street cats in their neighborhood, getting them fixed and helping them find good hom…
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Her siblings leave her trapped and alone after she falls in, pleading for help!
Two months ago, a tiny kitten stumbled into a well! After falling down into the darkness she was trapped for two days until help arrived
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Many had disregarded his cries for assistance!
A kitten turned into a happy, affectionate shoulder cat after a family helped him regain his sight.
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She attempted to leap to safety but instead fell to the ground, where she lay motionless with untreated wounds
Volunteers and lifeguards witnessed everything, and the pitiful story of a cat named Styopa also surprised me.
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