Cat Almost Dies and Loses Both Ears; Discovered Battered Hiding in Vehicle Engine
When the temperatures reached a high of just 13 degrees, one cat found a warm place to hide. In Baraboo, Wisconsin, the winter season is more often than not, brutal for ALL living creatures. Feral and stray cats are left to fend for themselves; not an easy thing to do! Many seek refuge in a […]
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A touching moment After the driver hears meowing coming from under the bonnet, two little kittens are removed from the vehicle’s engine
Two newborn kittens were rescued from a car engine by a Malaysian driver who heard the tiny animals miaowing. The man said he saw a mother cat run out from under his car and heard the kittens’ cries when he started his engine, so he spent five minutes trying to track them down before starting […]
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A Golden Retriever with a Happy Attitude Cares for Newborn Kittens
If you think huмan ƄaƄies are the only innocent Ƅeings on eагtһ, you haʋe not мet any aniмal ƄaƄies. Puppies and kittens can Ƅe equally cute when they
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Cat was unable to survive without her owner, and she experienced endless discouragement until the guy decided to bring her to his place of employment
Police officer Andy Simmons somehow decided to take a cat to him, that ran along a busy highway. They became friends, but since the animal was old and sick, it soon simply disappeared. Andy experienced
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The Weirdest Places For Cats To Go Asleep!
By. Thilini Cats are known for their naps with an average of 16 hours of sleep per day. With so much sleep time in their daily schedules, you would think that they know how to
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A stray cat consoles a dog waiting for its owner to come home
Animals are very compassionate. They know how to comfort a distressed friend. In a very heartwarming scene, a cat was caught on camera comforting a poor puppy. The puppy was left alone as his owners were forced to leave him alone. His owners were very old and sick. They were unable to look after themselves, […]
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Lost cat returns home and rings the doorbell to surprise the household
It’s always heartbreaking when a pet goes missing, but it’s important to not lose hope. Sometimes animals return to us when we least expect them — and in the most unexpected ways. That was the case for one family, who recently heard their doorbell ring in the middle of the night and got an unforgettable […]
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A homeless cat named Fishtopher finds a forever home after going viral
There are so many animals in shelters, and they want nothing more than to find their forever homes. And sometimes, the key to getting adopted is just getting their names and faces out there. And a lucky few shelter pets capture the public’s attention and become viral stars. That was the story for a cat […]
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The vet adopted the cat after it survived the fire
What a little sweetheart. Glad to know her vet was kind enough to adopt her On May 2, a large-scale fi.re bro.ke out in Las Vegas, the cause of which is unknown, but the consequences of the fi.re were enormous. In their efforts to save lives and property, the Rescue Force rescued a 4-week-old kitten […]
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Born With Two Faces Kitten Becomes The Most Beautiful Cat
What comes to mind when you think of the phrase “two-faced”? It’s probably nothing good! After all,
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