Netizens couldn’t help but be moved by the scene of a loyal dog pushing a wheelchair for its disabled owner
In a heartwarмing testaмent to loyalty and deterмination, a deʋoted dog has taken on the role of Ƅoth wheelchair pusher and shoe repair assistant for his disaƄled owner, enaƄling theм to earn a…
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The young girl burst into tears when she saw the face of her recently deceased dog in the sky
Pets are much more than animals. They are both best friends and family to us…! It would be devastating if our pets died and went to the Rainbow Bridge, a…
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A man built a long train to take his dogs for a walk
Several shady owners make discreet visits to dump their unwanted dogs near his house. So the 86-year-old man has transformed his 13-acre home into a sanctuary for these scared and abandoned dogs. When…
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A heartbroken husky dog lies sadly next to his owner’s grave
A heartbroken dog cannot handle the loss of his owner. He sobs on his tomb, unable to cope with his loss. This is a true example of how deep emotions…
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Indonesia warns tourists about the dangers of dog meat
Many Indonesians believe that eating dog meat is good for health and tourists also want to try it, while many animals carry rabies. The social activist organization Dog Meat-Free in…
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The man was emotional when he saw the dog again after 12 days of searching
Losing anything can feel unnerving and like you’re losing your mind. But losing your pet takes that feeling to a whole new level! It feels like your own child is missing. Sadly, a…
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Mother dog was heartbroken when she lost 21 puppies during labor complications
According to ilovemydogsomuch, a pregnant mom dog was abandoned at the Boone Area Humane Society after she had been in labor for 24 hours. She underwent an emergency C-section and coded twice following…
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Rescued a dog stuck in a cold, muddy ditch for 18 hours
A Dachshund named Razor heroically came to the rescue of a St. Bernard who got stuck in a cold, muddy ditch for around 18 hours. The St. Bernard named Jazzy got loose from Tim Chavez’s home in New Mexico on Sunday afternoon.
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The previous owner left Baby Girl dog next to a fire hydrant in the Green Bay area with a heartbreaking letter
The dog, Baby Girl, was left with a heartbreaking note from an owner who clearly loved her, the Wisconsin Humane Society says.
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Rescuers discovered a dog running wildly in the middle of the road with a rope wrapped around its neck
It was just another day at Animal Aid when we received a call about a distressed dog. Little did we know what we were about to witness. As we…
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