Get to know Hulk, the world’s biggest Pit Bull, who is constantly expanding
While pit Ƅulls and other snuƄ-nosed ѕtгoпɡ-jawed dogs are often seen as dапɡeгoᴜѕ and ᴜпргedісtаЬɩe, this Aмerican pit Ƅull teггіeг and Ƅull teггіeг cross
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Puppy Makes His Family SO Happy After Surviving With A 10% Chance
Even when he was so hurt he was still licking our face trying to make us feel better if he doesn’t really like it when I cry we moved into a van for our dogs
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When he hears his baby brother crying, the dog will always offer his favorite toy
There is just one toy that Brutus, a bullmastiff living with his family in Northern California, has refrained from shredding to pieces: the sacred fluffball.
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Lovely Moment A faithful dog entertains a boy while he is on “time-out”
Peyton and his canine best friend Dash have an unbreakable bond, through the good times and the bad, they remain together.
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A parking lot is where Poor Dog and her nine two-week-old pups were found abandoned
Animal cruelty is regrettably being done against innocent creatures every single day. Each time we see news like this one, it simply tears our hearts. It’s too harsh.
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The loving family he could only see in the distance as he leaned against the wall, his eyes filled with a longing for life
They took her to a veterinary clinic where she received treatment for her many ailments, including a blood transfusion that was necessary to save her life. Despite the seriousness of her condition, Moon…
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The shelter’s loudest dog suddenly goes silent upon seeing his father
He finally found what he was looking for.
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The rationale for why some Jews “sell” their pets during Passover
Jews observing Passover sometimes sell items with leaven, or chametz, to abide by Jewish law. The sale can include their pet if the fur baby eats a grain diet.
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After losing a loved one, the dog keeps requesting that mom check on her brother
They need each other now more than ever.
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