This cat changed the life of a grumpy man

Kinako the cat is the heroic feline responsible for saving a sickly old man, named Jiji, from a lifetime of grumpiness. According to Jiji’s granddaughter, Akiko, it’s been a long while since a smile was last seen on his grandfather’s face. In 2009, he was diagnosed with a sickness, and ever since that time, his enthusiasm for life started to decline. Good thing it didn’t have to end that way for Jiji, because after Akiko got his grandpa a cat, the happy man in him started to thrive again.The joy of having Kinako the cat as a companion awakened Jiji’s sense of purpose and that’s how a cat became the hero of Jiji’s story. Scroll down to see the rest of their story through Akiko’s camera lens and check out her website for more.

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Best friends cat and meerkat have attracted thousands of followers on social networks

Cat and Meerkat Become Best Buddies for Life We’ve seen more than a few unlikely friendships online. Cats can befriend mice, dogs can befriend cats, and sometimes, we’ve seen domesticated…

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The Columbia rescue team rescued a cat in critical condition from a breeder

CANADA – This beautiful Snow Bengal cat had so many kittens taken away from her just before she was rescued. When she had her last two miracle kittens, she held them in her arms and wouldn’t let them go.

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The dog decided to choose a kitten as his companion

Gentle dog picks out her own shelter kitten to take home Perhaps one of the most widespread misconceptions that exist in the world today is that cats and dogs can…

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Meet the Bi-Limbed Cat Taking Social Media by Storm

As of May 3rd of this year, the world has already celebrated National Specially-abled Pets Day, a holiday that is set with one goal in mind—to shine a spotlight on the needs of pets with disabilities. This day is set aside to educate the public about caring for disabled pets and one of the main objectives is to feature disabled animals looking for a home, giving them a higher chance of being adopted.

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The man decided to adopt a feral cat when he happened to see it wandering at a cafe

Basil Akwan may be seen working on his laptop in a small café in Kuwait most days. He and his girlfriend liked the commotion of being outside, and they weren’t the only ones.

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The fascinating world of a cat with a strong passion for snow

Dibs has two passions in life: his family and snow.

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The warm friendship that crosses the difference between the bear and the cat duo

Meet the real-life baby Baloo and Bagheera: Rescue bear and cat strike unlikely friendship! A young bear and a cute kitten have struck up an adorable friendship – reminiscent of…

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A polio cat’s journey to find a normal life

Paralyzed Kitten Who’ll Never Grow Any Bigger Loves the Spotlight as Much as Other Cats Fruit is a tiny paralyzed kitten that will forever stay that little. He was born…

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A stray cat in the middle of a blizzard was lucky to be adopted by the shop owner

A stray cat led a store owner to her kitten during the cold. Now, they have the New Year in comfort and warmth.

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