Inspiring journey of a blind dog to embrace life to the fullest

Besides suffering from dwarfism and few physical issues, a golden retriever called Smiley was born blind. He spent the first two years of his life in a puppy mill in a small town…

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A man builds 4 acre garden for his 45 dogs to play in

Unfortunately, shelter dogs are sometimes ignored due to their age or traumatic background. Unfortunately, some people spend their whole lives in shelters and never get to know what it’s like to have a…

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Abandoned dog’s journey to become a big star

As σne σf the smallest ρet dσg tyρes σn Earth, Pσmeranian is cσmmσnly liƙed fσr that small bσdy, that cute aρρearance. Sσ when a Pσmeranian dσg is a little bit σversized, many ρeσρle…

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386 dogs rescued from Yulin Dog Meat Festival

Every year, thousands of dogs (and cats) are brutally slaughtered in the 10-day event that begins on June 21. Even though many Chinese and countless animal rights groups are petitioning for an end…

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Giant snake skeleton unearthed from France’s Loire river

Just off the shore of the Loire estuary outside of Nantes, France, a slithering serpent rises from the water. Completed in 2012, Serpent d’océan is

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Thousands of ‘Ice Eggs’ Found in Coast of Finland

In Finland, a rare and intriguing natural phenomenon has recently been spotted, known as “ice eggs.” These icy spheres form under highly specific conditions, making

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Discovering the stunning ‘tree of life’ in the ∂єα∂ Sea’s heart

A tree seemingly growing out of a pristine white salt island in the heart of the Dead Sea isn’t something you’d expect to see when

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Unearthed 37 million-year-old “walking whale” fossil in Egypt

The arid desert sands of Egypt are not the most likely of places to find whales. But dozens of fossilised remains of prehistoric ancestors of

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Discovery channel YouTuber spotted a giant black slug on a California beach

If you ever wondered what a slug the size of a household pet would look like, today is your lucky day. Coyote Peterson, who hosts

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Volunteers spotted a stranded killer whale on some rocks on the North Coast

“She cried often, which tore at our hearts.” A group of volunteers and researchers rushed to help a killer whale that found itself beached on

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