Mother Dog, Pregnant and Homeless, Laying Motionless in a Little Ditch

The GoGo Rescue channel reports that they received a call about a helpless puppy that had passed out on the sidewalk. When they arrived, everything was horrible, declares embattle She has a bloated stomach. They initially believed it to be a large tumor. They pushed her quickly to the vet. The ultrasound revealed that she […]

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He extended a hand to us and gratefully accepted the food

He Reached Out to Us And Accepted The Food With Infinite Gratitude I just received a call from a watchmaker in the parking lot. He wanted me to rescue a paralyzed dog, broken hind legs and spine fractures. This poor dog has been wandering here for almost 2 months. Recently, his illness has worsened. He […]

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No one listened as she sobbed and begged others to save her pet

When a mother dog cried out in pain, it seemed like she was pleading with us to help her badly hurt baby. She didn’t keep trying to react as we carefully lifted her son, who had two deep cuts, and put him in the ambulance. We couldn’t take her with us because she had to […]

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After playing in the mud, Golden Lab became unrecognizable

A sweet pup from Australia is taking the internet by storm thanks to his passionate love for the mud. As a dog owner, there’s something special about watching my pup play freely in the yard. He loves to run and sprint off-leash, but there’s one thing that really makes me second-guess letting him go free […]

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Before it’s too late, rescuers save a dog with a severe chest wound

When rescuers with Animal Aid Unlimited first met Kalu, they thought he looked normal enough. The pup was standing around and seemed perfectly fine – until they saw his chest. The poor dog was suffering from a terrible wound that covered a large part of his chest. The open wound had no skin left to […]

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A dog with a neck injury lies down to die, but assistance is on the way

When dogs live as strays on the streets, they have a lot of different challenges to overcome. For a start, they don’t know where their next meal is going to come from, so they’re always on the lookout for food. They often have to improvise their shelter when it comes to finding somewhere safe to […]

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The adorable maternity photos of a pregnant rescue dog were taken

After being mistreated and left in a cage, a heavily pregnant rescue dog had her chance to shine for her very own maternity photo shoot, before giving birth any day now. Brie Willis is the director of Valentine’s Second Chance Animal Rescue in Kansas City, and despite already being at full capacity and not accepting […]

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They abandoned them at the trash like junk, and he can’t stop shaking from the pain and the cold

They abandoned them at the trash like garbage, leaving them trembling in pain and the cold. Abandoned in a dumpster beside trash bags and an old watermelon, two little black and tan puppies sat peacefully . They looked to blend in, barely able to protrude their heads above the debris. Luckily, a Good Samaritan observed […]

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Hundreds of thousands of ants were nearly consuming the poor girl as she lay alone in the barren meadow

According to Pitiful Animal Phoenix is ​​one of the 5 worst instances they’ve ever rescued. When the rescue team located Phoenix, she was in a critical situation. Phoenix was ​​lying alone in a barren meadow, with a slender physique.   There were many bugs on her feet, hundreds of thousands of ants devoured her. She […]

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Dog’s Tears Laying In The Freezing Snow For Days With Parasites

The little, innocent puppy lay on the cold snow, his body shaking with pain and dread. Lunka was only a year old, and he had no understanding why he had been exposed to such violence. He lay there, crying and absolutely unable to move, his little body covered in bruises and wounds. Maggots had begun […]

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