Gorilla lovingly hugs rescuer after being rescued
This is the precious moment a baby orphaned gorilla is seen cuddling up to his carer after being rescued, writes pintiks Bobga, the baby gorilla from Cameroon is being taken care of by the friendly staff at the Limbe Wildlife Centre’s nursery. You can see how close Bobga has bonded with his caretakers, as he
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An elephant hit by a poisoned arrow was fortunately saved by veterinarians in Kenya
Succumbing in agony to a deadly toxin coursing through its veins, a bull elephant falls to its knees after being shot by a poacher’s poisoned arrow, reports Sky News. The…
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A fisherman saved a turtle with barnacles all over its body
He was covered in barnacles — but people picked them off one by one Just off the coast of Tasmania this week, fishermen spotted something they don’t normally see –…
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Chester Zoo Welcomes First Ever Aardvark Birth
A newborn aardvark has been born at Chester Zoo for the first time in its 90-year history, writes lancs Conservationists discovered the new arrival snuggled up with its eight-year-old mum…
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Elephant reunited with his daughter at a German zoo after 12 years of separation
Elephants Are Big Creatures And Migh Scare People Away But They Are Sweet And Generous This is a heartwarming moment of an elephant who had been separated from her daughter…
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Police stopped traffic to help the mother bear and her cubs cross the road safely
It is said that it takes a village to raise a child, but for one mama bear in Connecticut it takes patience and the help of local police. Winchester Connecticut…
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Finnish photographer captures the special friendship between a brown bear and a gray wolf
The animal world continues to surprise us, humans. If you appreciate the pure friendship of an abandoned baby elephant and also a giraffe, you will be astounded at that bond…
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Revealing the cause of radioactive wild boar in Germany
In the tranquil woodlands of Germany, an unusual and perplexing mystery has been unfolding. Wild pigs, known for their elusive nature and forest-dwelling habits, have been found to be mysteriously…
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Blind elephant found freedom after 46 years of cruel imprisonment by smugglers
Blind Elephant Finally Got Her 1st Taste Of Freedom After 46 Years Of Captive Abuse After decades of abuse and captivity, a blind elephant named Faa Sai was recently released…
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The Surreal Beauty of Yehliu Geopark in Taiwan
Nestled along the northern coast of Taiwan lies a geological wonderland that seems straight out of a fantasy realm – Yehliu Geopark. This mesmerizing destination boasts a collection of bizarre…
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