Anthony Davis and Marlen Davis: A Beautiful Journey Together Since 2021

Inside the Love Story of NBA Star Anthony Davis and His Wife Marlen Davis: A Look at Their Journey Together


Anthony Davis is a famous NBA player for the Los Angeles Lakers, but he is also married to Marlen Polanco Davis.

In September 2021, they got married in front of many famous people. They had been together since at least 2017, when they had their first child. Since November 2017, when their daughter Nala was born, they have had two boys together.


“Family is the best thing in life. “I think your family will always be there for you, no matter what,” he told Haute Living in 2019. “You can fιght with them, complain to them, go through a bad time in your life, or have something good or bad happen to you, and they’ll still be there.”

“That’s why I value family so much. I know that my family won’t change no matter what I do or what I have. They’ll always be there for me. “I know I can always count on them, even when we arguҽ and fιght,” he said.

Who does Anthony Davis marry? Here are all the facts about Marlen Davis.


Anthony and Marlen share three children together

Anthony and Marlen gave birth to their daughter Nala on November 1, 2017. She has made a few public visits with her dad over the years. In May 2021, she sat on his lap while he did an interview after a game.

In July 2021, Nala went to the Regal LA Live & 4DX theater with her father to see the opening of Space Jam: A New Legacy. She held a stuffed Bugs Bunny and stood on the purple carpet with her dad, who voiced himself in the animated movie as “The Brow.”

“I hadn’t really thought about doing anything in Hollywood; basketball is my main goal. Even so, LeBron and I are very close, and he asked me if I wantҽd to be in a movie with him,” he told Haute Living in 2019. “Since Space Jam is one of my favorite movies, I thought it was a cool chance for me, so I took it.”

The two of them also have two boys, but they haven’t said what their names are or when they were born. In June 2021, he told them that they were going to have “a son on the way,” who seemed to arrive before their wedding in September of that year. He only showed up in public once, when his dad held him and he was wearing his shirt at a game at the arena in March 2023.

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Anthony and Marlen had their third child in the summer of 2022. The NBA star rҽvealed this in an interview with Spectrum News in September of that year. Anthony smiled when he was asked what his favorite part of the summer was. He said, “Adding another member to the family,” and confirmed that it was a “little boy.”

“A girl and two boys now, so I’ve got a team,” he said. “I’m now outnumbered, and so are we. “Having three amazing, blessed children is a blessing, so I’m glad I have three of them.”

In Marlen’s private Instagram bio, she writes, “NAD JAD KAD.” These are the letters of her three children.

They made their red carpet debut in 2020

At the Vanity Fair Oscars Afterparty on February 9, 2020, the private couple made one of their rare public appearances. It was also the first time they walked the red carpet together. Marlen wore a plunging, long-sleeved cream dress with a thigh-high slit, statement earrings, a white bag with feather details, and strappy shoes. Anthony’s black suit made him look sharp.

They got married in 2021

Anthony and Marlen got married at The Beverly Hills Hotel in California on September 18, 2021. The bride’s ceremony dress was made by the Australian company Nektaria. It had no straps and a long train with detailed details. She finished the look with a jeweled headband and a veil that fell behind her. She also carried a white flower from Mark’s Garden.

After saying their vows, the couple changed into their second outfits of the night for the reception, which was planned by famous event planner Mindy Weiss. Marlen put her hair in a ponytail and wore a beaded halter dress. To finish off her look, she wore special Nike sneakers that said “Mrs.” and “Davis.”

LeBron James, Adele, Rich Paul, Russell Westbrook, and more were among the guests at their wedding. Davis took over the mic and sang “Never Make a Promise” by Dru Hill while dancing with his new wife.

She is very private

Even though Marlen’s husband is famous, she is a private person who doesn’t have public social media accounts and stays out of the press most of the time. In the same way, Anthony just stopped using social media. After a tough loss to the Trail Blazers in February 2023, the power forward turned off his Instagram account.

She is her husband’s biggest supporter

Even though Marlen stays out of the public eye, she helps her husband a lot behind the scenes.

Anthony’s parents, Anthony Davis Sr. and Erainer Davis, joined Marlen and Nala in a video when the Lakers won the 2020 NBA finals to congratulate Anthony on his first title ring.

“Nala and I are very excited and proud to give you your first ring tonight. She told their daughter, who was sitting on her lap in front of a Christmas tree, “We are so proud of you.” “We love you.”

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