Anthony Davis Goes All In: Summer Work and Dedication

Summer work with Anthony Davis

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Philadelphia 76ers player James Harden has considered playing professionally in China in the days since he dubbed general manager Daryl Morey a “liar” and swore to “never” be a member of a club that Morey was on.

Says he, “Every time I come here, the love is just like… it’s crаzy, you know what I meаn?” According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Harden made the remark while visiting the country recently. They should have me play here because they deserve it. Here, love is always a whirlwind.

When Harden made his comments against Morey, he was in China for promotional and fan events, including one for Adidas.

Following ESPN’s report that the 76ers had ended all trade talks involving Harden and were desperate to bring him back, Harden made his comments against Morey. With the expectation that the Sixers would try to move him, Harden opted into the last year of his $35.6 million contract in June.A source told The Associated Press that the Sixers told Harden’s agent, Mike Silverman, over the weekend that Morey had been unable to locate a viable deal and that the organization was not obligated to deal him until it could find a package that would boost their opportunity to contend. The individual talked to the AP under anonymity because the negotiations were private.

Harden, who turns 34 later this month, posted season averages of 21 points, 10.7 assists, and 6.1 rebounds on 44.1% shooting from the field and 38.5% from deep. His current point total is the same as in 2021-22, which is his lowest total since 2011-12.It’s possible that Harden is using his power over Morey. Former Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey took to social media in October 2019 to express his support for the Hong Kong demonstrators who were against a law that would allow the extradition of wаnted criminals from Hong Kong to mainland China.

Strive for Independence. The sign said, “Stand with Hong Kong,” before it was erased.

Chinese authorities responded to the statement by banning Rockets and NBA games from airing in the country, costing the league hundreds of milliоns of dollars.

After James Harden’s statements criticizing Daryl Morey, who NBA players have come to his defense?On Monday, Harden’s former teammate and current Dallas Mavericks player Kyrie Irving responded to a social media post by ESPN insider Adrian Wojnarowski that shared an article containing Harden’s comments regarding Morey.

Has he turned into Angry Adrian? Writer Irving. The question then becomes, “Or is he holding Darryl (sic) Morey accountable for his dishonesty and lack of transparency throughout the contract negotiation process this summer?”P.J. Tucker, currently playing for the 76ers, defended Harden on Instagram by saying, “I’m not acrobatic, I’m not flippin’ on my bros.”

Former guard Andre Iguodala agreed, saying that Harden was utilizing leverage in an intelligent way when he appeared on “Gil’s Show,” a podcast hosted by Gilbert Arenas.”When you go into a contract negotiation, know what your value (is) and how you can leverage yourself,” Iguodala stated in the podcast. “Be aware of the possibilities and the safety net that lie on the other side. What exactly is James’ buffer zone? Because of his prior interactions with the Chinese government, Daryl Morey may sаy whatever he likes without feаr of retaliation. Therefore, James’s decision to reduce his leverage was brilliant. First, it will be difficult to chastise James; after all, what has he done wrong? And I hear James is making some shoe sales. That’s the main reason he’s over there, after all.

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