Anthony Davis’ Twins: A Rare Glimpse into the Star’s Life Off the Court

While most eyes will be on Los Angeles Lakers power forward Anthony Davis in Sunday’s Game 6 against the Miami Heat, fans can’t help but wonder if any of his loved ones will be in attendance to celebrate the Lakers’ potential clinching of the 2020 NBA Finals.


Despite being Erainer and Anthony Davis Sr.’s only child, NBA superstar Davis (now 27) has two sisters: Antoinette (his twin) and Iesha (their older sister). Davis has been linked to long-time girlfriend/rumored wife Marlen P., but the couple has kept their relationship very private. However, Davis has no problem posting images of his sisters on Instagram.


People were naturally curious as to whether or not Davis’s twin sister was similarly a towering 6’10” when he was taken first overall in the 2012 NBA draft. However, Antoinette Davis does not have her brother’s height or play for the WNBA. ESPN claims that Antoinette Davis is 5 feet 8 inches tall.


Antoinette Davis, like her famous brother, doesn’t like to talk to the press. Her Instagram account, which she maintains under the handle @mooka_pooka, is still set to private. In Antoinette Davis’s Instagram bio, she simply states, “NJ Mommy” with a blue love emoji, and her profile image is a picture of her kid. Davis and Antoinette Davis have a very strong relationship. The Lakers player has been posting Instagrams about his identical twin, calling him “my other half.”


If the thought of growing nearly a foot in a year seems exceedingly odd, rest assured that Davis can attest to the fαct that it was “really weird.” The size of his feet increased as well, from a 14 to a 17 in shoes. “My mom was buying clothes for me and then they were too small,” Davis explained in 2010. It’s still strange to me because I’m still developing. They both got their height from Davis. His father, Anthony Davis Sr., is 6’3, while his mom, Erainer, is only 6’1. Davis also has a 6-foot-4 uncle. Davis Sr. remarked that he had to buy his rapidly maturing kid a king-size, extra-long bed. To paraphrase, “Every time I checked on him before, I would see his feet hαnging off and that had to be uncomfortable.”

“We bought the SUVs so he can have room to stretch,” his father continued. He did not do well in the Grand Prix on the road trips we had outside of town.

Davis had to adjust to his new body and his new position as a guard on the floor, but he did both with aplomb.

“I just happen to be blessed with that,” Davis added. When other players release the ball, I know exactly when to do it. I guess it’s just a gut feeling, but I always aim for perfection in timing. It comes naturally, and I do my best to catch each ball. You need the basketball if you want to make a basket. To that end, I make it a point to grab every available rebound and defend every possible basket. It spontaneously occurred. I didn’t intentionally block seven or eight shots, but I did block a few. Although Davis’s identical twin sister didn’t share his passion for the game, their elder sister, 5’10” Iesha Davis, was drafted by the Harlem Globetrotters after playing on the freshmen team at Richard J. Daley College in Chicago.

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