Beyond Riches: Cristiano Ronaldo’s Parenting Choice Defies Millions in His Son’s Earnings

For those who are passionate about football, it is impossible not to know football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo. Up to now, Cristiano Ronaldo is considered a “living legend” with the image of the number 7 shirt.

As the first son of CR7, Cristiano Ronaldo Junior is expected to be the “golden legs” to continue his father’s career. However, Ronaldo Jr’s talent and ability to make money early did not allow him to use the phone.

rr Despite his son having amassed millions of dollars in earnings, Cristiano Ronaldo remains firm in his decision not to permit the use of a phone. - LifeAnimal

Cristiano Ronaldo Junior is known to the world as the first son of football superstar CR7.

Specifically, Cristiano Ronaldo Junior, born in 2010, is the first son of male CR7 player. The boy Ronaldo Jr first made his public debut when his father led him to the podium to receive the Golden Ball award in 2015. From here, the boy Ronaldo Jr has grown up under millions of eyes watching from all over the world.

rr Despite his son having amassed millions of dollars in earnings, Cristiano Ronaldo remains firm in his decision not to permit the use of a phone. - LifeAnimal

The image of a boy and his father receiving the “Golden Ball” award in 2015 sᴜrprised the world.

rr Despite his son having amassed millions of dollars in earnings, Cristiano Ronaldo remains firm in his decision not to permit the use of a phone. - LifeAnimal
rr Despite his son having amassed millions of dollars in earnings, Cristiano Ronaldo remains firm in his decision not to permit the use of a phone. - LifeAnimal

It is known that CR7 father has educated his son very carefully and has rules.

Although CR7 does not orient his son to follow in the footsteps, it is obvious that when under the influence of his father who is the world’s top football player, Ronaldo Jr joined the football world and quickly revealed his outstanding talent.

rr Despite his son having amassed millions of dollars in earnings, Cristiano Ronaldo remains firm in his decision not to permit the use of a phone. - LifeAnimal

During the 2020 season, Ronaldo Jr scored a total of 58 goals in 23 matches. From here, the football world began to pay attention to the name Ronaldo Jr as a “potential football seed” instead of just Cristiano Ronaldo’s son as before.

rr Despite his son having amassed millions of dollars in earnings, Cristiano Ronaldo remains firm in his decision not to permit the use of a phone. - LifeAnimal

Since childhood, Ronaldo Jr was taught by his father to play sports as well as exercise.

On the pitch, Ronaldo Jr shines with his assistive passes and professional ball handling and dribbling style. Thanks to that, the 12-year-old player was honored to win the Best Scorer award. In early 2022, Ronaldo Jr signed a contract with Manchester United club, opening a big turning point for his football career.

rr Despite his son having amassed millions of dollars in earnings, Cristiano Ronaldo remains firm in his decision not to permit the use of a phone. - LifeAnimal
rr Despite his son having amassed millions of dollars in earnings, Cristiano Ronaldo remains firm in his decision not to permit the use of a phone. - LifeAnimal
rr Despite his son having amassed millions of dollars in earnings, Cristiano Ronaldo remains firm in his decision not to permit the use of a phone. - LifeAnimal

Thanks to his father’s steel discipline, the boy Ronaldo Jr shines more and more with football talent.

Talented and successful in his teens, Ronaldo Jr is understandable. According to Fame Ranker analysis, every year, son CR7 can bring in more than 363 thousand USD. Thus, from the beginning until now, Ronaldo Jr’s assets can be up to 1.2m USD

rr Despite his son having amassed millions of dollars in earnings, Cristiano Ronaldo remains firm in his decision not to permit the use of a phone. - LifeAnimal

Although he is 12 years old, Ronaldo Jr has not been allowed to use mobile phones by his father.

Although he is a rich person, he is a “rich kid”, but the boy Ronaldo Jr is constantly rejected by his father every time he makes a request “Dad, I want a phone”. In an interview, Cristiano Ronaldo revealed that he did not allow his son to use a mobile phone because he did not want him to be “dubbed with technology” when he was too young.

rr Despite his son having amassed millions of dollars in earnings, Cristiano Ronaldo remains firm in his decision not to permit the use of a phone. - LifeAnimal

The 38-year-old superstar thinks that his son is too young to be exposed to phones and technology.

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