Bruno Rezende: The Key to Brazilian Volleyball’s Success?

Foreign who else kills it block to spike town oh over on Sue there’s Bruno back to his best so sneaky so fast I two sets to one and here is slivka change of libero so Tales is on Lucas swings for the first point the one I see sir though oh come on Bruno Bruno how did you do.

That it’s Bruno I mean it’s a Bruno wait he could do this Lopez serving here for Cuba well played really well dealt with that uh pick up and the sit under some extreme pressure okay so it’s the one-handed setting show oh my God yes it is back and forth you said it anything you can another really powerful serve groza will just about get that back but Advantage very much more than it because of that sir Bruno and here comes Agave bench he’s on fire this is what he can do he finds his Groove six five our second ball play from Bruno.

First time he’s come up with that today great selection from him to level it wasn’t as if he only just kept it in play either he’s just come up with an amazing set y’all knowing this one is going to spike town he plenty of does well he keeps it in play oh the fans want to double touch they’re not going to get it and they’re not going to get the point either a Poland that’s incredible from Lucas body to make the look at he’s going back to the net.

Incapet brilliant up but moderna still had the chance and Bruno takes it Rising harsh and monster are sinking business like from trentina love you with sir very very well taken in the end of Bruno who was pretty restricted with what he could do here Brazil yeah darling once again on the right side he’s been fantastic what a Step Up Performance and now let’s go from Rossini under the circumstances right foreign.

Makes the play gets mod in the back of serve and maybe sets up another charge you’re looking to engage the middles once again but not much doing there for Flavio Flavio might have another go here no he runs the decoy and lucarelli will be the receiver yeah Flavio with the fake that really took itna’s former players to try and serve about it over Parts it’s raffled away what a save what’s a save there from Modina well that should have been the first set Sienna Bruno again floats Rizzo picks up luwani.

Moved over the top that’s when you know things are going for you cheeky as heck that lawani swing and that’s a heck of an up and over good serve pick up they rearrange reset the good shirt batters that across court and all of a sudden another good sir pick up oh they get the transition a little bit awkward but it doesn’t matter because they go to Renown the on their winged love that play nice and smooth deep angle beautifully done oh Bruno and that is why he’s considered one of the best in the world.

Taking a pass that was drifting almost defense for Canada but they recycle one-handed darling It’s gotta be the target excellent great response that’s a massive pass for rodriginho Ely important pass he Nails it keeps him in system that’s too easy for Tales oh yes I made two blockers on him two big blockers right in front of him but Lucas is so big and fat Fan keep making the noise she kind of cheer his team on they’re doing well serving for the set 24-22 with the pipe first digs a good one.

First touch for Bruno Brazil claiming the point referee says play on now Bruno can go again the pipe is so sweet from layout and Brazil takes the second set the ball in Nike oh yes two to two wow two to two inches just an amazing angle on this attack with two blockers in front of him also oh yes and that’s why Bruno’s back in he’s got his go-to man where he needs him that connection changes up the pace entirely full out of the middle Flavio.


Bruno man he makes me 1922. good serve again Bruno comes from the outside oh what a play for good defense to the net and again wow I still have the opportunity here the Santa’s Club so late he’s looking at you all the way down watching everyone on the floor still on his way down oh nice nice from Tiff out because he knows he’ll be doing it back to Luke it’s coming I’d stand up right now but look around and you see right after the play he kind of gets a mess I didn’t mean it you know hey you’re okay right onto.

Paco’s shoulder over there I’ll play Flavio and then dalan says let’s not mess around with the sidelines let’s just put it right into the truck do what I’ve been doing inside of the net we’ll see back to serve here for what you stand up wow tight pass by anger pad then thrown straight to the floor by Bruno on the second contact already his second kill that was the distraction really to split the block one headed set they scored but he does think to have been a cafe that is beautifully done.

Paul’s picked out so I set up that rolls it across the neck cord well what I see was the option instead they switched it through the middle to Lucas it’s a nervy one but right hand there’s Bruno haven’t seen a dump from Bruno since the first set he tried one dumped it right into the net and there’s a little Lefty dump from Bruno hazende smart play from Bruno well done well done perfect pass perfect opportunity for Bruno.

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