Contract Cut: Inter Miami Drops Nick Marsman in Wake of His Concerns About Messi Arrival

Nick Marsman’s contract with Inter Miami has been terminated just weeks after he made the remark that the team wasn’t ready to recruit Lionel Messi.

After his shocking transfer to the MLS was finalized with an introduction at DRV PNK Stadium, Messi was welcomed with considerable fanfare upon his arrival in South Florida.

rr Inter Miami CANCELS goalkeeper Nick Marsman's contract – mere weeks after he raised doubts about the acquisition of Lionel Messi. - LifeAnimal

With seven goals in four games, the World Cup winner has already shown that the celebration was worthwhile. Nevertheless, Marsman wasn’t originally persuaded that Miami’s decision to sign the Argentine was appropriate.

The goalkeeper claimed in June that David Beckham’s team lacked the resources to sign a player of Messi’s caliber.

According to me, this club is not prepared for Messi’s arrival,” Marsman said to ESPN. “We have a temporary stadium; there are no gates; people can just walk on the field.”

We head to the stadium sans security as well. I believe they are not prepared. But I do hope he shows up.

rr Inter Miami CANCELS goalkeeper Nick Marsman's contract – mere weeks after he raised doubts about the acquisition of Lionel Messi. - LifeAnimal

Only a few weeks after making those remarks, Inter Miami tore up the 32-year-old’s contract and bought him out.
The contract of a player may only be terminated by a club once each season in Major League Soccer.

After spending two years at Feyenoord in the Eredivisie, the Dutchman moved to Miami halfway through the 2021 season.

Drake Callender has been his backup since he was promoted from Inter Miami II in November 2021, and although making 29 appearances for the club, he was unable to crack the starting lineup.

After being hospitalized in June, Marsman had a difficult few weeks that came to an end with the termination of his contract.

rr Inter Miami CANCELS goalkeeper Nick Marsman's contract – mere weeks after he raised doubts about the acquisition of Lionel Messi. - LifeAnimal

His supermodel wife stated on Instagram that a spider bite he had during a family excursion to the zoo caused him to spend three days in the hospital.

“The downside of living in a tropical climate is if you go to the zoo and get bitten by a poisonous spider… end up being hospitalized for three days,” Nathalie den Dekker wrote beside a photo of the Dutchman lying in bed in the hospital.

Former Miss Netherlands Den Dekker also posted a photo of their daughter comforting Marsman when he was in the hospital with the caption, “Happy to have you back home, now get well soon.”

Inter Miami, which is presently in its fourth season of professional soccer, was only established in 2018 and will join MLS in 2020.

rr Inter Miami CANCELS goalkeeper Nick Marsman's contract – mere weeks after he raised doubts about the acquisition of Lionel Messi. - LifeAnimal

Sergio Busquets and Jordi Alba, two of Messi’s former teammates at Barcelona, have also brought attention to the team. Messi frenzy has already spread across the city and the United States.

After Messi announced his move to Inter Miami, ticket prices for MLS games around the country surged, and matches quickly sold out.

While the three has yet to play in the Major League Soccer, Messi has been dominating American soccer in the Leagues Cup.

After pulling off an incredible comeback in its match against FC Dallas on Sunday, which it won 5-3 on penalties, Inter Miami has advanced to the quarterfinals of the competition.

On Friday, August 11, at Miami’s home stadium, DRV PNK Stadium in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Messi and company will now take on Charlotte FC.

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