Cristiano Ronaldo, Mike Tyson and Lennox Lewis Come Together for Glitzy Pre-Fight Bash

Ahead of the historic crossover fight between Tyson Fury and Francis Ngannou, CRISTIANO RONALDO was the first of the gorgeous VIPS to walk down the red carpet.

In preparation for the fight in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, celebrities from all over the world have traveled there.

Superstar Ronaldo, ‘Alien’ , Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis… went to Regis Hotel, Riyadh, to party before the fight between Tyson Fury and Francis NgannouCristiano Ronaldo dressed down for the Gala dinner.Superstar Ronaldo, ‘Alien’ , Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis… went to Regis Hotel, Riyadh, to party before the fight between Tyson Fury and Francis NgannouBrazilian Ronaldo opted for a smart suit.Superstar Ronaldo, ‘Alien’ , Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis… went to Regis Hotel, Riyadh, to party before the fight between Tyson Fury and Francis NgannouRio Ferdinand opted for an oversized shirt.Superstar Ronaldo, ‘Alien’ , Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis… went to Regis Hotel, Riyadh, to party before the fight between Tyson Fury and Francis NgannouTyson Fury and wife Paris wowed in their patterned outfits.

Many of the celebrities have attended a Gala dinner at the St Regis Hotel.

Ronaldo, 38, did not have far to go as he is currently playing his football in the Saudi Pro League for Al-Nassr.

The Portuguese star turned up in a casual look as he wore a pair of jeans and a hooded jacket.

Ronaldo was joined by his namesake, former Brazilian international Ronaldo at the event.

The former Real Madrid and Inter Milan ace stunned as he wore a smart suit with an open-collar white shirt.

And of course, Fury and his wife Paris also blessed the red carpet in their patterned outfits.

Paris looked stunning in her pink dress while Fury looked dapper in his unique suit as they posed for photographs.

During his time in front of the press, Fury also met rival Oleksandr Usyk.

The pair will fight in December, however, they shared an embrace which saw the British boxer lifted up by the Ukrainian.

Former Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand also made an appearance on the red carpet.

The retired footballer wore a stylish oversized black shirt as he spoke to members of the press.

Mike Tyson also joined the list of those by also wearing a suit.

Superstar Ronaldo, ‘Alien’ , Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis… went to Regis Hotel, Riyadh, to party before the fight between Tyson Fury and Francis NgannouMike Tyson wore a smart suit on the red carpet.Superstar Ronaldo, ‘Alien’ , Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis… went to Regis Hotel, Riyadh, to party before the fight between Tyson Fury and Francis NgannouThe boxing legend has been giving Francis Ngannou tips.Superstar Ronaldo, ‘Alien’ , Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis… went to Regis Hotel, Riyadh, to party before the fight between Tyson Fury and Francis Ngannou

Eminem and Ngannou posed for a photograph together. Thank you to: X @tntsports

A previous sighting had revealed the boxing great offering some words of wisdom to Moses Itauma.

In addition, the popular rap artist Eminem, whose given name is Marshall Mathers, was present at the meal and posed for a picture with Ngannou.

He accessorized his look with a substantial gold chain that hung over his neck in addition to a black jacket and matching hat.

Guests of honor, including legends

Superstar Ronaldo, ‘Alien’ , Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis… went to Regis Hotel, Riyadh, to party before the fight between Tyson Fury and Francis Ngannou

One photograph was taken of the important guests posed together. Top Rank Boxing is responsible for this.

Fury and Ngannou took their places at the top of the image, while other celebrities including Mike Tyson, John Fury, and Abdu Rozik were in the front row.

Joseph Parker, a boxer from New Zealand, made the most of the event by rubbing shoulders with notable figures such as Eminem, a mixed martial arts fighter named Israel Adesanya, a former boxer named Lennox Lewis, and Amir Khan.

In addition, he posed for photographs alongside Roy Jones Jr., Michael Buffer, and Joe Calzaghe.

Superstar Ronaldo, ‘Alien’ , Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis… went to Regis Hotel, Riyadh, to party before the fight between Tyson Fury and Francis NgannouJoseph Parker grabbed a snap with Ronaldo and Fury. Credit: Instagram @joeboxerparkerSuperstar Ronaldo, ‘Alien’ , Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis… went to Regis Hotel, Riyadh, to party before the fight between Tyson Fury and Francis NgannouParker also got a selfie with Lennox Lewis. Credit: Instagram @joeboxerparkerSuperstar Ronaldo, ‘Alien’ , Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis… went to Regis Hotel, Riyadh, to party before the fight between Tyson Fury and Francis NgannouHe also met the Brazilian Ronaldo. Credit: Instagram @joeboxerparker

The St Regis Hotel is rated five stars and has rooms available for at least £670, however the night of the Gala has seen prices soar.

A room can set potential customers back at least £2,500 for a single night.

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