Cristiano Ronaldo’s Dubai Encounter: A Viral Story of Empathy and Sportsmanship

With the little child, Ronaldo and his son Cristiano Jnr played a game of keep-ups by kicking the ball to him, and Ali displayed his skill by heading it back.

After playing soccer with a child Ali Turganbekov from Kazakhstan, who was born without legs, Cristiano Ronaldo has been praised as a “legend” by his fans.

On his Instagram account, Ronaldo posted a poignant video of their reunion while he is presently on winter holiday in Dubai.

Cristiano Ronaldo playing football with Kazakh boy born without legs in Dubai, has gone viral


Cristiano Ronaldo playing football with Kazakh boy born without legs in Dubai, has gone viral


Cristiano Ronaldo playing football with Kazakh boy born without legs in Dubai, has gone viral


Cristiano Ronaldo playing football with Kazakh boy born without legs in Dubai, has gone viral


Cristiano Ronaldo playing football with Kazakh boy born without legs in Dubai, has gone viral

Ali reportedly expressed his desire to see the former Real Madrid and Manchester United hero, and Ronaldo is thought to have accepted to the encounter.

When playing a game of keep-ups with the little child, Ronaldo and his son Cristiano Jnr kicked the ball to Ali, who then displayed his prowess by heading it back.

It was a joy to meet you @ali_amir_happy, the Portuguese star wrote in a post to his 195 million Instagram followers after sharing the video. A genuine inspiration.

Khabib Nurmagomedov referred to Ronaldo as a “legend” in a response to the social media footage. Ali and Khabib recently crossed paths while traveling in Kazakhstan.

Following in the footsteps of Lionel Messi, Diego Maradona, and Andriy Shevchenko, Ronaldo is the most recent international superstar to visit Ali.

Ronaldo, his kids, and Georgina Rodriguez, his WAG, went to the beach on Christmas Day this week.

The Juventus star has spent the holiday season in sunny climates after traveling to Saudi Arabia last weekend for the Italian Super Cup.

The Portuguese superstar is making the most of the break and soaking up the sun since Juve aren’t back in action until January 6.

Children Cristiano Jr., Eva, Mateo, and Alana Martina also joined him in the picture, and Santa even made a special appearance.

Last Sunday in the Italian Super Cup, Juventus lost to Lazio 3-1 as Ronaldo was unable to lead them to victory.

The Portuguese superstar has accumulated a wide variety of medals throughout the course of his career, but the runners-up medal he received this past weekend might not find a place in his trophy cabinet.

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