Cristiano Ronaldo’s Style File: Catwalking from Football Stud to Global Fashion Star

Cristiano Ronaldo has style on and off the soccer field. The Manchester United star player has graced the covers of magazines and red carpet events in the most exclusive clothing and footwear.

Cristiano Ronaldo's Style Evolution: From Sharp Suits to Sleek Shoes

Ronaldo is a fan of bold color suits and tailored jackets sometimes paired with luxury sneakers. Ronaldo’s own merchandise brand CR7 offers many products like eyewear, boots, loafers and men’s sandals. Previously, the athlete and business mogul collaborated with Nike on a, Air Max 97 sneaker. The sneaker featured a leather patchwork design on the all-red uppers.

In 2016, the star signed a lifetime contract with Nike for an estimated $1 billion. This deal made Ronaldo soccer’s first billion dollar athlete. With an income like that, Ronaldo can afford to dress lavishly in some of his favorite brands like Louis Vuitton, Prada and Hermès. The athlete prefers luxurious comfort for his dress shoes and sneakers with brands like Givenchy and Alexander McQueen.

Cristiano Ronaldo's Style Evolution: From Sharp Suits to Sleek Shoes

Ronaldo flew overseas to Los Angeles for the ESPY Awards on July 16, 2008. Ronaldo left wearing a nude suit and collarless tuxedo shirt. He paired a white belt with his white sneakers. Ronaldo’s shoes featured black stripes on the sides and metallic silver straps across the top.

Cristiano Ronaldo's Style Evolution: From Sharp Suits to Sleek Shoes

Ronaldo celebrated a birthday at restaurant Tatel in Madrid on Jan. 30, 2017. The father-of-four wore a black top and jeans with a tan wool coat and gold chain. His beige suede Chelsea boots featured brown elastic on both sides.

Cristiano Ronaldo's Style Evolution: From Sharp Suits to Sleek Shoes

Ronaldo attended the 2017 Best FIFA Football Awards with his son on Oct. 23. The Nike athlete wore a printed three-piece suit with a matching skinny tie. Ronaldo wore black patent leather dress shoes to match his son’s shoes.

Cristiano Ronaldo's Style Evolution: From Sharp Suits to Sleek Shoes

The same year, the star and his family attended the FIFA Football Awards Gala on Jan. 9, 2017. Ronaldo ditched the black suit for a royal blue double-breasted silhouette. He wore a blue and white striped tie and black dress shoes with a double buckle.

Cristiano Ronaldo's Style Evolution: From Sharp Suits to Sleek Shoes

Looking more gym-ready on March 13, 2017, Ronaldo hosted his brand event, CR7 Crunch Fitness. The Portuguese soccer player wore navy gym shorts with his white CR7 athletic shirt. The Nike ambassador represented the brand with his tall white socks with black Swoosh check marks.

The star athlete was spotted leaving Zela restaurant  in Covent Garden hotel in London on Nov. 14, 2018. He wore a burgundy blazer over a white tee with black jeans. On his feet were pointed toe platform sneakers. The white shoes had a thick midsole and canvas uppers.

In 2019, Ronaldo was photographed leaving the Madrid provincial courts on Jan. 22 with his longtime girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez. The star player wore a black blazer with gunmetal buttons over a black turtleneck. The champion’s black skinny jeans contrasted his white Alexander McQueen oversized sneakers with the metallic gold heel tab.

Ronaldo wore another bold suit to the MTV Europe Music Awards on Nov. 3, 2019. Ronaldo’s red jacket and blazer shined bright against the crisp white of his T-shirt and white Nike “Shox” sneakers.

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