Damian Lillard’s Trade Request is Official – What Does This Mean for His Career?

Good news: Damian Lillard’s trade request from the Trail Blazers is ‘Miami-or-bust… but the Heat need more assets’ to complete a deal for one of the NBA’s stars


Damian Lillard, the point guard for the Portland Trail Blazers, has reportedly stated that he wants to move to Miami or else.

The Miami Heat were thought to be Lillard’s favored destination among the clubs that had already been associated with wanting to trade for the player who over the years made ‘Dame time’ a phenomenon that spanned the league. News of Lillard’s trade request surfaced earlier in the day.

But it is now apparent that Lillard just has one place in mind. According to several other sources, the Trail Blazers have been looking for a third club because Tyler Herro, who would be the Heat’s sixth man and scoring wing in any trade package, is not someone Portland is particularly interested in acquiring.


In his first season as a starter, Herro averaged 20.1 points, 5.4 rebounds, and 4.2 assists. His four-year, $130 million contract would need to be included in any trade Miami made for Lillard in order for it to make financial sense. Herro is coming off the best all-around season of his career. Based on Joe Cronin’s statements, it looks like the Trail Blazers organization will choose the trade packages that are most advantageous to them if a favorable deal with Miami cannot be reached, despite Lillard’s ‘Miami-or-bust’ wish.


We have made it obvious that we want Dame to play here, but today he informed us that he wants to go and play elsewhere, according to Cronin. What has not changed for us is that we remain dedicated to succeeding and that we will always act in the team’s best interest.

Early trade candidates for the soon-to-be 33-year-old superstar were reportedly the Brooklyn Nets and Los Angeles Clippers; however, those teams may have been brought up in discussions as a potential third party in any potential transaction.


After losing important players Gabe Vincent and Max Strus to free agency, Miami is reportedly aiming to avoid trading postseason star Caleb Martin.

Lillard, Jimmy Butler, and Bam Adebayo would form one of the league’s most dangerous trios in South Beach if his goal of moving to Miami eventually comes true. This would spark a level of enthusiasm in south Florida that hasn’t been seen since LeBron James, Chris Bosh, and Dwayne Wade established their own big three.

Although Lillard’s contract does not have a no-trade provision that would prevent him from accepting a trade to a team other than Miami, most teams would agree that it would not be prudent to trade for a player with $216 million left on his deal.

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