D’Angelo’s Dazzling Gift: $17K Rolex Steals the Spotlight at Laura’s 25th Bash

In Pictures: D’Angelo Russell celebrates girlfriend Laura Ivaniukas’ 25th as she dons $17,000 Rolex watch

The photographs show D’Angelo Russell celebrating his girlfriend Laura Ivaniukas’ 25th birthday while she wears a Rolex watch that costs $17,000.

When Laura Ivaniukas celebrated her 25th birthday on Saturday, D’Angelo Russell, a guard for the Los Angeles Lakers, posted a picture of his girlfriend on Instagram. In the picture, she was wearing a Rolex watch. When seen on the official website of the brand, the Rolex Datejust 41 watch is priced at $17,000. A picture of Ivaniukas wearing the watch may be found in the following Instagram story that Russell posted:

D'Angelo Russell's Instagram story featuring his girlfriend on her 25th birthday

D’Angelo Russell’s Instagram story featuring his girlfriend on her 25th birthday Born on May 9, 1999, Laura Ivaniukas is a model and social media influencer with over 55,000 followers on Instagram. She has collaborated with several brands, including B&M in Toronto, Nomad in LA, CGM in Miami, Wonderwall in Milan and Option 1 in Chicago. Apart from her career in modeling, Laura is also a prominent fitness coach.

Laura Ivaniukas celebrating her 25th birthday

Laura Ivaniukas celebrating her 25th birthday

Laura Ivaniukas celebrating her 25th birthday

Laura Ivaniukas celebrating her 25th birthday Together since 2020, the couple reportedly met through a mutual friend and welcomed their first child, their son Riley Jonas Russell, in September 2022. Riley and his mother are often seen cheering for D’Angelo Russell during the Lakers’ home games.

D’Angelo Russell, a former NBA All-Star, has revealed that he and his fiancée, Laura Ivaniukas, are expecting a daughter. This news brings the former NBA All-Star closer to being a parent for the second time. In the beginning of March, Russell was featured on The Backyard Podcast, when he revealed the news. It was during this episode that the Lakers guard communicated the information.

“If you want to beat the scenery, bro, you can’t! I have the family with me. You might be able to spot them scurrying around wherever they are. My son is out and about, having a good time with this. “Russel announced that he was expecting a baby girl,” she stated.

Enlarge the TweetWhen Laura provided an update on her pregnancy, she disclosed that she is currently six months along with their second kid. This information was shared around the third week of April. It was on Instagram that she posted the update, which included pictures of her showing off her growing baby bulge along with a statement that read “6 months.”At the beginning of the month of April, Laura stated that the current pregnancy she is experiencing is more difficult than the initial pregnancy she had when she was carrying their son Riley.

When compared to her pregnancy with Riley, she stated, “NGL, this pregnancy has been absolutely kicking my a** in terms of energy.”

Additionally, Ivaniukas mentioned that she has had a difficult time working out during this pregnancy in comparison to her first pregnancy, during which she was able to lift weights until the 39th week of labour.

“As I make my way up the stairs, I am currently absolutely out of breath…Her statement was that it was difficult for her to enter the gym.

As a result of the Los Angeles Lakers’ elimination from the playoffs for the season, which occurred after they were defeated by the Denver Nuggets in the first round, D’Angelo Russell will be able to devote his whole attention to his fiancée during the final trimester of her second pregnancy.

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