DeMar DeRozan Eyes Homecoming with Potential Lakers Trade

After recording an average of 24 points per game with the Chicago Bulls, DeMar DeRozan, who is both a scoring force for the team and a transfer target for the Lakers, is poised to enter free agency this summer. Being one of the most coveted names in the NBA Free Agency 2024 market, DeRozan has attracted significant interest from numerous teams.May be an image of 3 people and text

The primary contenders in this pursuit are the Chicago Bulls, whom DeRozan has been with since 2021, and the Los Angeles Lakers, who have been eyeing him for some time. Following the Chicago Bulls’ defeat in the play-in game, failing to advance to the NBA Playoffs 2024, speculation about DeRozan’s future has intensified among fans.

The player, born in 1989, expressed his desire to stay in Chicago and continue striving for playoff success with his teammates, emphasizing the city’s warmth and the organization’s appeal. DeMar DeRozan Says He Can't Rule Out Signing Lakers Contract Amid Bulls  Rumors | News, Scores, Highlights, Stats, and Rumors | Bleacher ReportHowever, DeRozan has also expressed openness to the idea of playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, his hometown team, citing his lifelong support for the Lakers and the allure of playing for such a historically significant franchise.

While DeMar DeRozan could bring various strengths to the Los Angeles Lakers, he may not fully address the team’s primary weakness—a lackluster performance in three-point shooting during the previous season. Despite his prowess in scoring, DeRozan’s effectiveness primarily lies in mid-range and close-range shooting, with his three-point shooting percentage remaining relatively low throughout his career.Lakers Video: Bulls' DeMar DeRozan Was 'Hellbent' On Coming To L.A. &  Believed It Was A 'Done Deal'

Furthermore, financial considerations pose a challenge to a potential move to the Lakers, as DeRozan seeks a lucrative, long-term contract that may not align with the team’s current salary cap situation. This has also been a sticking point in negotiations with the Chicago Bulls, who prefer a shorter-term deal at a lower salary.

A potential solution could involve a sign-and-trade deal between the Lakers and the Bulls, facilitating DeRozan’s return to his hometown team. In the recently concluded season, DeMar DeRozan showcased his scoring prowess and playmaking abilities, making significant contributions to the Chicago Bulls’ starting lineup.DeMar DeRozan stars as the Chicago Bulls knock off the Los Angeles Lakers  124-108

Should DeMar prioritize joining a team with championship aspirations, the Los Angeles Lakers present a compelling option, alongside the sentimental appeal of playing for his hometown team, which boasts a rich basketball legacy.

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