Discover Reggie Bush’s $5.65 million Encino, Los Angeles mansion, where he lives a luxurious lifestyle with his family


Encino, a neighborhood in Los Angeles that is becoming increasingly affluent, has recently attracted wealthy celebrities from all demographics. Guns ‘N Roses guitarist Slash strums his guitar in a $6.2 million Encino mansion, NBA star Tristan Thompson recently paid $6.5 million for a fancy estate, and “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” cast member Dorit Kemsley paid the same amount for a brand-new modern farmhouse in an off-market transaction earlier this month.

And after less than a month on the market, a brand-new Encino residence has just sold for $5.65 million, which is nearly the asking price. The famous new owner is Reggie Bush, a now-retired All-Pro football player who won the 2010 Super Bowl with the New Orleans Saints and now works as an analyst on Fox’s new pregame program “Big Noon Kickoff.”

During his 11-year professional career, Bush played for five NFL teams, including the New Orleans Saints and Miami Dolphins. However, he may be best known to pop culture-obsessed readers for his high-profile relationship with Kim Kardashian West in the late 2000s, prior to her second and third marriages and his marriage to professional dancer Lilit Avagyan.

According to the listing, Bush’s “Modern Cape Cod” Encino mansion was constructed by a local builder and features 8,750 square feet of living space with six bedrooms, all of which are ensuite. There is a three-car garage and ample off-street parking in the motorcourt in front of the building.


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