The wood houses Certified organic are a green and inexpensive option. The trend of building wooden houses or acquiring them already prefabricated runs parallel to the taste for the ecological, for the natural options that also suppose a considerable economic saving compared to the alternatives that we can consider more conventional.
Wood is a renewable material that, controlled through sustainable production, makes it a eco-friendly option. In addition, compared to the usual construction materials and the construction process, it saves a lot of money.
Whether they are prefabricated or built wooden houses in situ, the time required to lift them is shorter. In the second case, building a wooden house will not take more than 4 or 5 months, and fewer operators are needed.
When it comes to achieving energy efficiency, in effect, wood is an interesting material to thermally insulate the house and save on the electricity bill or in the use of firewood to keep it warm in winter and cool in summer.