The Antonov AN-22 Antei, also known as “Antheus,” is a heavy military transport aircraft designed by the Antonov Design Bureau in the Soviet Union. It is powered by four turboprop engines, each driving a pair of contra-rotating propellers. The AN-22 was first rolled out on August 18, 1964, after a mock-up was built at the Antonov workshop in Kyiv.
The AN-22 is a high-wing multi-engined aircraft designed to carry military vehicles or large amounts of cargo. It was originally called the An-20 before being renamed. With a maximum takeoff weight of 250 metric tons, the AN-22 was the world’s largest turboprop aircraft and the first wide-body transport aircraft at the time of its design.
A total of 66 AN-22 aircraft were manufactured between 1965 and 1976 at the Tashkent Aviation Plant in Uzbekistan. Since 1980, the AN-22 has been used to transport oversized components for the construction of the AN-124 Ruslan and AN-225 Mriya. In fact, the wing center section of the AN-124 Ruslan heavy transport aircraft was built using the same tooling and assembly line as the AN-22.
The AN-22 has been known for its impressive sound created by the Kuznetsov engines driving its huge contra-rotating propellers. It has been used extensively for military and humanitarian operations. The aircraft has also been used for commercial cargo operations by a few airlines, including Antonov Airlines, the operator of the world’s largest aircraft, the AN-225 Mriya.
In conclusion, the Antonov AN-22 Antei is a legendary aircraft that has left an indelible mark on aviation history. Its massive size, impressive performance, and unique design make it one of the most recognizable aircraft in the world. With only a few AN-22 aircraft still in operation today, the aircraft continues to fascinate aviation enthusiasts and professionals alike.