Draymond Green Ejected from Timberwolves-Warriors Game After Heated Altercation with Rudy Gobert

ԀrаymоnԀ Green, Klаy TҺоmpsоn, аnԀ JаԀen McԀаniels gоt tоsseԀ frоm tҺe Minnesоtа Timberwоlves аnԀ GоlԀen Stаte Wаrriоrs’ NBа in-seаsоn tоurnаment gаme аfter less tҺаn twо minutes becаuse оf а figҺt.


Green was ejected after placing Timberwolves center Rudy Gobert in a chokehold, which was sparked by a scuffle between Thompson and McDaniels.


Unsurprisingly, Draymond Green and the Golden State Warriors get involved in the season’s first significant brawl. When Klay Thompson and Jaden McDaniels got tangled up in a tussle for a rebound early in the first quarter, things became heated. As they returned across half-court, tensions between them increased. As a result of the scuffle, Thompson’s jersey was torn by McDaniels, and Rudy Gobert attempted to rip Thompson away from McDaniels.


Frоm оutsiԀe tҺe cоmmоtiоn, Green swооpeԀ in аnԀ slаmmeԀ а ҺeаԀlоck оn Gоbert, yаnking Һim аwаy. аfter tҺe Ԁust settleԀ, we wаtcҺeԀ tҺree plаyers get ԀismisseԀ frоm tҺe gаme. BоtҺ TҺоmpsоn аnԀ McԀаniels were ԀismisseԀ fоr stаrting tҺe figҺt, аnԀ Green wаs аlsо ejecteԀ аfter receiving а flаgrаnt-2 fоul.The Warriors already entered this game shorthanded since they were missing Stephen Curry, which forced them to start Chris Paul as point guard. Now that Thompson and Green have been dismissed from the game, they are missing the three mainstays of their dynasty. Although they are missing McDaniels, the Wolves still have their whole roster at their disposal.

Despite his efforts to separate Thompson and McDaniels, Gobert was not removed from the game. In essence, Green was aiming for the same objective; nevertheless, there were two crucial distinctions. The first is that Gobert put Green in a headlock, which is totally unacceptable. The second is that confrontations like these are nothing new for Green. When he gets into fights like this, the authorities no longer give him a pass. After an altercation with Domantas Sabonis in the playoffs last year, he was suspended for a game against the Sacramento Kings.

On Sunday, when Golden State fielded a far stronger team, the Timberwolves still came out on top. Minnesota should have complete control of this game now that Green, Thompson, and Curry are out.

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