Draymond Green Opens Up About His Bond with ‘Big Brother’ LeBron James

It seems that during his unwelcome layoff, LeBron James is making the most of the situation.


The 37-year-old NBA player posted a video diary to Instagram on Thursday, detailing his trip to the Maldives with loved ones.

“Hey, how’s it going? All I can say is THANK YOU! James included emojis of praying hands and a king’s crown in the video’s caption. It seemed that he stayed at the luxurious Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru, which is located in the Indian Ocean archipelago and features villas on the water, beach villas, and water suites with three bedrooms.


The Los Angeles Lakers player recorded his adventures, including a bike ride, a stroll on the beach, a boat trip, an opulent meal, and a breathtaking sunset. The basketball legend edited the trip’s highlights to Jnr Choi and Sam Tompkins’s “TO THE MOON.”

According to TMZ, James’s 35-year-old wife Savannah, his close friend Ernie Ramos and his wife, a DJ named Bamboozle, and the chief operating officer of Klutch Sports named Fara Leff all joined him on the lavish trip. Savannah, who is married to James and the mother of his three children (boy Lebron ‘Bronny’ Jr., 17, son Bryce, 14, and daughter Zhuri, seven), also posted a video from the luxurious getaway.


The Maldives don’t owe me anything, she wrote in the video’s description. A meager sample of an unforgettable journey! #BaaAtollMaldives.’

The four-time league MVP, who has also played for the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Miami Heat, expressed his disappointment at not making the playoffs last week via Twitter.

On Friday, he tweeted, “I can/will NOT miss the post season again for my career.” I mean, this really stung. The games can resume, thanks James and the Lakers had a disappointing season, going 33-49, and missing the playoffs as a result.


James told reporters earlier this month, after a string of defeats in the second half of the season, “I hate losing.” Presently, I have an overwhelming want to defecate.

James had an effect whenever he was on the court, scoring 30.3, grabbing 8.2, and dishing out 6.2 assists per game despite the team’s troubles and injuries.

Even though it was a bad year for the NBA, he still managed to surpass Karl Malone and become the league’s second all-time scorer with 37,062 points. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, a veteran of the Los Angeles Lakers, continues to lead all scorers with 38,387 points.

In the 2022–2023 season, James will play for the Lakers for the final year of his deal, earning roughly $44.5 million.

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