Exploring the Mysterious Underwater Ship Graveyard in Ocean’s Hidden Treasures

Home Mystery Ocean’s Hidden Treasures: Delving into the Enigmatic Underwater Ship Graveyard

Empowered by modern equipment, numerous diving teams are currently striving to explore the centuries-old shipwrecks and hunt for treasures. Deep beneath the dark and chilling waters of the Baltic Sea lies the “graveyard” of thousands of sunken vessels.

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Ocean's Hidden Treasures: Delving into the Enigmatic Underwater Ship Graveyard - srody.com

The Baltic Sea has been an important shipping route for the world for thousands of years with a huge amount of shipping traffic.

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The waters of the Baltic Sea are also not too salty thanks to many large rivers flowing in, so there are relatively few species of geckos that specialize in eating shipwrecks.

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Explorations of wrecks in the Baltic Sea have been conducted for decades. This series of photos was taken by Russian photographer Viktor Lyagushkin in the Gulf of Finland.

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Archaeologist Roman Prokhorov is measuring the size of the ship. The information they collect can help them determine their origin and also their age.

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The oldest ship ever discovered here is up to 800 years old. The ship in the photo is identified as from the United States and sank around the middle of the 19th century.

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Pictured is diver Igor Galayda inspecting a damaged part of the shipwreck.

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Galayda was examining the porcelain vase he had just found.

Ocean's Hidden Treasures: Delving into the Enigmatic Underwater Ship Graveyard - srody.com

He even spotted cannons even though this was a ship transporting construction materials. There were ten large cannons on board.

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The ill-fated ship encountered a storm while passing through the island of Hogland in the Gulf of Finland, then it crashed into a reef, causing the deck to break.

Ocean's Hidden Treasures: Delving into the Enigmatic Underwater Ship Graveyard - srody.com

These specialists work on a Russian project. They found about a thousand wrecks in the Baltic Sea.

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The inscription “Oleg” of the name of the ship is still clearly visible, although this ship has been lying on the seabed since 1869. This ship belongs to the fleet of Tsar Alexander II, which crashed during a training session.

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Modern diving equipment greatly supports scientists. Pictured is the wreck of the ship “Tobias Enge” of the Russian Royal Navy, which sank in 1771.

Ocean's Hidden Treasures: Delving into the Enigmatic Underwater Ship Graveyard - srody.com

The image of a wooden scarecrow is placed at the bow of the “Louise”, a Danish merchant ship.

Ocean's Hidden Treasures: Delving into the Enigmatic Underwater Ship Graveyard - srody.com

Divers are always faced with unexpected dangers. Pictured is Prokhorov accidentally caught in a net on the side of the ship “Louise”.

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A glass bottle was discovered aboard the “Louise”. Artifacts like these are very useful in determining the origin of the shipwreck.

Ocean's Hidden Treasures: Delving into the Enigmatic Underwater Ship Graveyard - srody.com

Also on the ship “Louise” found a lot of pottery. This ship sank while carrying goods to the port of Hamburg (Germany).

Ocean's Hidden Treasures: Delving into the Enigmatic Underwater Ship Graveyard - srody.com

And here are the bullets found on the wreck of a German ship. This ship was sunk during World War II while attempting to capture the island of Hogland.

Ocean's Hidden Treasures: Delving into the Enigmatic Underwater Ship Graveyard - srody.com

This vase still contains a yellow liquid inside. One time they even found 145 bottles of champagne intact in the wreck of a 200-year-old ship.

Ocean's Hidden Treasures: Delving into the Enigmatic Underwater Ship Graveyard - srody.com

A researcher is marking artifacts with plastic sheets. According to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, all artifacts discovered in international waters must be preserved.

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